Действие важнее исполнителя (The art exhibition will be held next week.)
Всем известные факты (U.S.A president is known all around the world.)
Описание приготовления чего-либо (Water is heated and added to the mixture.)
Придание вежливости и большей формальности (The electricity hasn’t been paid for since March.)
Использование в научных докладах (A lot of research has been conducted about this mental illness.)
Неблагоприятное событие (The article has been written awfully.)
Примеры His personal belongings were taken while he was taking a swim in the pool. - Его личные вещи взяли, пока он плавал в бассейне. The museum is being reconstructed now. - Музей сейчас реконструируют. The pizza had been delivered when he came back home. - Пицца была уже доставлена, когда он вернулся домой. New fitness center will be opened next week. - Новый фитнес-центр откроется на следующей неделе. Her jewelry was stolen yesterday. - Ее украшения были украдены вчера.