Междисциплинарный модуль
Инновационное предпринимательство (по
2 кредита/
Интеллектуальное право
2 кредита/
Молекулярная биология
2 кредита/
Пререквизиты: нет
Молекуля рная биоло гия — комплекс
биология широко применяет
для решения своих задач
используют методы молекулярной биологии.
Цель курса изучение основных процессов молекулярной
Знание основных процессов молекулярной биологии.
Умение разбирать элементы, стадии этих процессов и
моделировать данные процессы в клетках простых и
сложных организмов. Владение навыками модульного
молекулярной биологии в спецкурсы по математике,
навыками пилотного проектирования молекулярно-
апериодических полимеров (белков и нуклеиновых
кислот), решения алгоритмических молекулярно-
биологических задач, личностного и проблемно-
ориентированного обучения различных тем курса в
рамках сезонных школ, специальных семинаров,
студенческих конференций и кружков.
Физическая химия
2 кредита
Пререквизиты: нет
Краткое описание курса: в курсе освещены основные
разделы химии: строение атома и молекулы, химическая
электрохимия и химическое и фазовое равновесие.
Цель курса: изучение общих закономерностей химических
процессов, позволяющих прогнозировать возможное
направление реакции, ее глубину протекания, скорость, а
также пути управления процессом химического
Знать основные стехиометрические законы химии;
взаимосвязь между структурой периодической таблицы и
распределением электронов внутри атома; основные
положения теории о природе химической связи; законы
термодинамики; законы гомогенного и гетерогенного
равновесий; свойства растворов неэлектролитов и
электролитов; закономерности кинетики реакций и уметь
применять их на практике (лабораторный практикум).
Уметь самостоятельно проводить физико-химический
эксперимент, обрабатывать полученные данные графиче-
скими и аналитическими методами, интерпретировать их
и делать выводы; использовать справочные данные по
термодинамическим и электрохимическим свойствам
веществ для решения практических задач; владеть
Specialty 5В070400 – Computer science and
software engineering
Discipline name, credits, prerequisites
Purpose, objectives, summary of course
Competences (learning outcomes)
Obligatory module
6 credits
History of Kazakhstan
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to history of state and law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan it is directed on studying of process of origin,
formation and state and right development. Conclusions and
judgments of this science are based on the analysis of the exact
facts and really taken place events of state and legal life of
Kazakhstan. The place and role of science of the state and the right
of Kazakhstan among other sciences are defined by that it
represents realization of historical approach of research of the state
and legal phenomena from the moment of their emergence till
today. It logically recreates and restores an objective picture of
evolution of state and legal systems, establishments and the
institutes existing and existing in the territory of the Republic. The
protokazakh medieval states and their legal systems were fixed and
studied both foreign travellers, and local observers and originators
of dynasty historiographies.
Knowledge: the different parties of activity of the Kazakh horde
are available in official documents, in various written sources of
foreign and local observers, in works of national creativity.
During edge colonization by the Russian Empire there were the
numerous works of different character describing with different
degree of reliability and objectivity a political system and legal
relations in the region. In the conditions of the Soviet power of a
problem of national statehood in Kazakhstan were studied in
special scientific institutions from class and party positions.
Ability in modern conditions to carry out studying of history of
state and law of the Republic, relying on the research experience
summed up in this direction and knowledge for a reconstruction of
an objective picture of history of state and law of the country.
Professional-focused Kazakh (Russian)
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: expansion of a basic word stock of common
words and phrases,
mastering by grammatical forms and designs at the level of their
use in speech. Mastering by a basic word and terminological stock
in the specialty. Creation of various types of speech activity:
conversation, description, informing. Grammatical forms and
designs in communicative, functional aspects. Reproduction
adapted and a producing simple pragmatical texts, dialogical and
monological, in an oral and written form, on the subjects actual for
social and professional spheres, on different types of speech
activity: speaking, audition, reading, letter.
Knowledge: development of educational and professional speech:
a) development of skills of reading, hearing, literature making an
abstract in the specialty; b) different drawing up the scientific and
educational texts close to texts of textbooks and lectures, dialogues
and monologues on educational and professional subjects; c)
intensive training in the main functional and semantic types of
statements: to monologue description, monologue narration,
monologue - a reasoning, dialogue conversation, dialogue -
discussion. Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Ability to develop scientific and professional speech: the active,
generalized, volume formation of skills and abilities in the field of
scientific and professional speech.
Professional-focused foreign language
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical norms of
a studied foreign language. Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythmic-
features of a foreign language, reception and reproduction of sound
system of speech. Spelling: sound alphabetic system of language,
basic spelling rules. Lexicon: word-formation models; basic word
stock of 2500 units of basic language, and also the terms
corresponding to a profile of specialty; Lexicon differentiation on
scopes of application.
Knowledge: the main parts of speech – a noun, an adjective, an
adverb, a verb, an article, a pronoun, a pretext; structure of a
simple and compound sentence; main models of word formation.
Reading: formation of skills of fact-finding, search, studying and
viewing reading. Speaking: skills of dialogical and monological
speech within studied subjects. Letter: development of skills of a
consecutive statement of thoughts, reasonings, and also
information when writing compositions and letters of personal and
business character.
Ability to translate texts in the specialty from a foreign language
on native according to language norms. Audition: perception
aurally messages of household, information and professional
3.1 Natural (STEM) module
Information technologies for the
professional purposes
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: the main concepts of the automated information
processing; appointments, structure, main characteristics of
computer and organizational equipment; main methods and means
of processing, storage, transfer and information accumulation;
appointment and principles of use of the system and applied
software; bases of algorithmization of tasks; main components of
computer networks, principles of a packet transmission of data,
organizations of gateway interaction; technologies of information
search on the Internet; main threats and methods of ensuring
information security; the principles of information security from
unauthorized access; legal aspects of use of information
technologies and software.
Knowledge: to use information resources for search and
information storage; to use the automated systems of office-work;
to apply methods and information means of protection; to apply
anti-virus means of protection of information; to apply the
specialized software to collecting, snore and information
processing in the professional sphere according to studied
professional modules; to carry out control of a computer network.
Possession of skills of creation of algorithms and flowcharts; main
concepts of development network and Web of appendices,
applications of methods of information security, methods of
information and communication technologies and electronic
3.2 Basic professional modules
MODULE 1 Mathematical analysis
Mathematical analysis – I
Prerequisites: AG 1201 Algebra and
Module purpose: studying of the theory of real numbers; exact top
and bottom sides of a numerical set; limit of numerical sequence;
the main properties of meeting sequences, communications of
infinitely big sequences with infinitesimal; limit of monotonous
sequence; Cauchy's Criterion of existence of a limit of function;
properties of infinitesimal and infinitely big functions. remarkable
limits. Concept of a uniform continuity.
Knowledge: to prove properties of functions, continuous on a set,
differentiable functions, the main theorems of differential calculus.
; various forms of the residual member of a formula of Taylor.
Practical skills of creation of the schedule of functions. Ability to
use various methods of integration and application of certain
integrals in geometry, mechanics and physics; Theorems of
average value. Integral with a variable top limit. The residual
member of a formula of Taylor in an integrated form.
MODULE 2 Algebra and geometry and
probability theory
Algebra and geometry
Prerequisites: DM 2308 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of the theory of systems of the
algebraic equations, main properties of determinants and matrixes,
algebraic and geometrical description of lines and surfaces of the
second order, initial data on groups, rings and fields, probabilistic
and statistical concepts, as simple probability and its assessment;
random variable, its numerical characteristics and their estimates;
main methods of estimation.
Knowledge: axiomatics of linear and Euclidean spaces, concepts
of basis and coordinates, the theory of linear operators in linear
spaces, classification of normal operators in Euclidean and unitary
spaces, the theory of square forms and quadric.
Ability to use the Gauss method for calculation of determinants,
decisions and researches of systems of the linear algebraic
equations, researches of systems of vectors on linear dependence,
calculations of the return matrixes, findings of a rank and base of
system of vectors of arithmetic space.
MODULE 3 Mathematical logic
ML 1405
Mathematical logic – І
mathematics, AG 1201 Algebra and
Module purpose: consists in providing students with basic
knowledge in the field of logic of statements, logic of predicates
and indistinct logic, and also in acquisition of skills of use of
mathematical apparatus for the system analysis of problems, the
solution of the practical tasks connected with formalization of
processes of receiving, information processing.
Knowledge: concepts of basis and coordinates, the theory of linear
operators in linear spaces, classification of normal operators in
Euclidean and unitary spaces, the theory of square forms and
quadric. Syntax and semantics of logic of predicates. Normal
forms. Quantor-free formulas. Equivalent transformations of
Ability in common to solve the objectives connected with
probability theory and mathematical statistics; the system: at
students the probabilistic and statistical thinking and ability to
cope with objectives has to be developed.
Physics – І
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics, DM 2212 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of sections of mechanics, kinematics,
dynamics of a material point and firm body. Preservation laws.
Elements of the special theory of a relativity.
Knowledge: elements of mechanics of continuous environments.
Fluctuations and waves. Molecular physics and thermodynamics.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics. Statistical distributions.
Thermodynamics bases. Transfer phenomena. Real gases.
Electricity and magnetism. Electrostatics. Direct electric current.
Ability to use a magnetic field. Magnetic field in substance.
Phenomenon of an electromagnetic induction. Equations.
Maxwell. Electromagnetic fluctuations.
Mat 1304
Material science
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics
Module purpose: to study changes of properties of materials, both
in firm, and in a liquid state depending on some factors. The
structure of substances, electronic, thermal, chemical, magnetic,
optical properties of these substances treat studied properties. The
materials science can be carried to those sections of physics and
chemistry which are engaged in studying of properties of materials.
Besides, this science uses a number of the methods, allowing
investigating structure of materials.
Knowledge: production of the knowledge-intensive products in
the industry, especially during the work with objects micro and the
nanosizes it is necessary to know in details the characteristic,
properties and a structure of materials. To solve these problems
and the science — materials science is called.
The knowledge of structure and properties of materials leads to
creation of essentially new products and even industry branches.
Ability widely to use the knowledge received by scientists-
materials scientists for innovations, elimination of problems,
expansion of the range of production, increase of safety and fall of
cost of production. These innovations were made for processes of
molding, hire of steel, welding, growth of crystals, preparation of
thin films, roasting, glass blasting, etc.
3.2Basic professional modules
MODULE 1 Mathematical analysis
Mathematical analysis – II
Prerequisites: AG 1201 Algebra and
Module purpose: studying of the theory of real numbers; exact top
and bottom sides of a numerical set; limit of numerical sequence;
the main properties of meeting sequences, communications of
infinitely big sequences with infinitesimal; limit of monotonous
sequence; Cauchy's Criterion of existence of a limit of function;
properties of infinitesimal and infinitely big functions. remarkable
limits. Concept of a uniform continuity.
Knowledge: to prove properties of functions, continuous on a set,
differentiable functions, the main theorems of differential calculus.
; various forms of the residual member of a formula of Taylor.
Practical skills of creation of the schedule of functions. Ability to
use various methods of integration and application of certain
integrals in geometry, mechanics and physics; Theorems of
average value. Integral with a variable top limit. The residual
member of a formula of Taylor in an integrated form.
MODULE 3 Mathematical logic
ML 1406
Mathematical logic – ІІ
mathematics, AG 1201 Algebra and
Module purpose: consists in providing students with basic
knowledge in the field of logic of statements, logic of predicates
and indistinct logic, and also in acquisition of skills of use of
mathematical apparatus for the system analysis of problems, the
solution of the practical tasks connected with formalization of
processes of receiving, information processing. As a result of
module studying students will own terminology of algebra of logic,
indistinct logic, and logic of predicates, to use mathematical
symbolics for expression of the quantitative and qualitative
relations of objects; to know bases of creation of the correct logical
conclusion on the basis of schemes of formalization of judgments
in a natural language. Also within this module the main data on
construction and the analysis of the mathematical models
considering random factors will be stated to students. Students will
examine probability theory bases within finite-dimensional random
Knowledge: concepts of basis and coordinates, the theory of linear
operators in linear spaces, classification of normal operators in
Euclidean and unitary spaces, the theory of square forms and
quadric. Syntax and semantics of logic of predicates. Normal
forms. Quantor-free formulas. Equivalent transformations of
Ability in common to solve the objectives connected with
probability theory and mathematical statistics; the system: at
students the probabilistic and statistical thinking and ability to
cope with objectives has to be developed; the subject: students
have to learn to address freely with such concepts, as probability, a
random variable.
MODULE 4 Physics
Physics – II
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics, DM 2212 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of sections of mechanics, kinematics,
dynamics of a material point and firm body. Preservation laws.
Elements of the special theory of a relativity.
Knowledge: elements of mechanics of continuous environments.
Fluctuations and waves. Molecular physics and thermodynamics.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics. Statistical distributions.
Thermodynamics bases. Transfer phenomena. Real gases.
Electricity and magnetism. Electrostatics. Direct electric current.
Ability to use a magnetic field. Magnetic field in substance.
Phenomenon of an electromagnetic induction. Equations.
Maxwell. Electromagnetic fluctuations.
MODULE 5 Programming
Programming on the algorithmic languages
Prerequisites: Computer science basses,
Algorithms and data structures.
Module purpose: studying of the main objectives of teaching of
discipline: providing and acquisition of knowledge and the abilities
students of realization of algorithms of data processing arising in
problems of algebra, the mathematical analysis, mathematical
statistics, problems of linear programming by means of the modern
languages of high level.
Knowledge and ability: to be able to build effective algorithms
with use of knowledge of algorithmization and to realize them in
the modern languages of high level.
EP 1001
Educational Practice
The aim of the educational practice is to solve the problems in
languages on the topics covered during the semester, as the fixing
of the material, as well as on topics previously impassable, as the
deepening of knowledge in programming.
-fixing programming knowledge obtained during the training;
-learn to solve various programming tasks in different
programming languages.
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