Практикалық сабақтарының тақырыптары мен мазмұны Practical assignment №1
chemistry (1)
Rules for reading chemical formula Буквы латинского алфавита, обозначающие название элементов, читаются согласно английским названиям букв алфавита. Знак + читается plus, and, together, with, react with. Знак — обозначает одну связь или единицу родства и не читается. Знак = читается give, form или produce. Знак → читается give, pass over to lead to. Знак ↔ читается forms and is formed from. Цифра перед названием элемента обозначаeт число молекул. Примеры: C + O2 → CO2 1 atom of carbon reacts with 1 two-atom molecule of oxygen and produces 1 molecule of carbon dioxide. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O a) Two molecules of H two plus O two give two molecules of H two O. b) Two two-atom molecules of hydrogen react with 1 two-atom molecule of oxygen and produce two molecules of water. N2 + 3H2 ↔ 2NH3 a) N two plus three molecules of H two form and are formed from two molecules of NH three b) 1 two-atom molecule of nitrogen plus three two-atom molecules of hydrogen form and are formed from two molecules of ammonia. Na2CO3 + CaSO4 → Na2SO4 + CaCO3 a) Na two CO three plus CaSO four form Na two SO four plus CaCO three b) The sodium (Na) and the calcium (Ca) switch c) The sodium combines with the sulphate radical (SO4), forming sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) which dissolves in water. d) The calcium сombines with the carbonate radical (CO3), forming calcium carbonate (CaCO3). e) Calcium carbonate does not dissolve in water, and so settles to the bottom of the solution. Знаки + или - стоящие в левом верхнем углу, обозначают положительную и отрицательную валентность иона. Пример: a) hydrogen ionH+ b) univalent positive hydrogen ion divalent positive cuprum ionСu ++ trivalent positive cuprum ionAl +++ a) negative chlorine ionCl - b) negative univalent chlorine ion Task: - write any 20 formulas and read them - write any 5 equations and read them WORDPERFECT Vocabulary: Drill Exercises Each of the 105 presently known chemical elements is given a symbol which usually is derived from the name of the element. The symbol of oxygen is O, of hydrogen is H, of helium He, of copper Cu, of sodium Na, of plutonium Pu. Groups of symbols called formulas are used to designate compounds. The formula for water is H2O, for carbon dioxide CO2, for sulphuric acid H2SO4.These symbols and formulas are used to indicate chemical fractions. For example: 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 (statement: water decomposes to form hydrogen and oxygen) VOCABULARY symbol - символ equation – уравнение presently - в настоящее время to derive – происходить copper (Cu) - медь sodium (Na) – натрий to designate – обозначать жүктеу/скачать 64,23 Kb. Достарыңызбен бөлісу: |