Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов

Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple

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Англ практикум

7. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple.
Boil close cost cost like like meet open speak teach wash

1 .Margaret ___________________________ four languages.

2.In Britain the banks usually ______________at 9.30 in the morning.
3.The city museum ________ at 5 o clock in the evening.
4. Tina is a teacher. She ____________ mathematics to young children.
5. My job is very interesting. I ______________a lot of people.
6. Peter ____________his hair twice a week.
7. Food is expensive. It __________ a lot of money.
8. Shoes are expensive. They ___________a lot of money.
9. Water _____________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
10. Julia and I are good friends. I ________ her and she ________ me.
Focus on Grammar

8. Complete the sentences.
1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) ____________________________________________
2. (basketball/I/play/often) _________________________________________
3. (work/Margaret/hard/usually) _____________________________________
4. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/wear ______________________________________
5. (dinner/we/have/always/at 7.30) ___________________________________
6.(television/Tim/watch/never) ______________________________________
7. (like/chocolate/children/usually ____________________________________
8. (Julia/parties/enjoy/always) _______________________________________
9. (boils /water/ 100/at/degrees/ celsius)__________________________________
10. (always/go/bed/before/midnight)_____________________________________

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. Margaret _____________Four languages –English, French, German and Spanish (speak).
2. I _____________________my job .It`s very boring. (like)
3. Where`s Martin? I`m sorry. I _____________________(know)
4. Sue is very quiet person. She ___________________very much. (talk)
5. Jim ____________________a lot of tea. It`s his favourite drink. (drink)
6. It`s not true! I _________________________________ it! (belive)
7. That`s a very beautiful picture. I __________________it very much. (like)
8. Mark is a vegetarian. He ________________________meat. (eat)
9.We usually __________________________________(grow)
10. Normally I ______________________(finish) work at 5 o clock.

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