Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов

Write questions with Do…? and Does…?

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10 . Write questions with Do…? and Does…?
1. I like chocolate. And you? _______________________________
2. I play tennis. And you? ________________________________
3. Tom play tennis. And Ann? ________________________________
4. You like near here. And you r frends ? ________________________________
5. You speak English. And your brother? ________________________________
6. I do exercises every morning. And you?________________________________
7. Sue often goes away. And Paul? ________________________________
8. I want to be famous. And you? ________________________________
9. You work hard. And Linda? ________________________________
10. Normally I finish work at 5 o clock. And you? __________________________

11. Write questions. Use the words in breackets (…) + do/does . Put the words in the right order.
1.(where / like / you parents?) ________________________________
2.(you / early / always / get up?) _________________________________
3.(how often / TV / you / watch?) ________________________________
4.( you / want / what / for dinner?) _________________________________
5.(like / you / football?) _________________________________
6.(your brother / like / football?) _________________________________
7.(what / you / do / in the evenings?) _________________________________
8.(your sister / work / where?) _________________________________
9.(to the cinema / often / you / go?) __________________________________
10.(what / mean / this word?) __________________________________
12. Write about yourself. Use: I never … or I often … or I don`t … very often
1.(watch TV ) _______________________________________________
2.(go to the theatre) _______________________________________________
3.(ride a bicycle) _______________________________________________
4.(eat in restaurants) _______________________________________________
5.(travel by train) ________________________________________________
6. (enjoy parties) ________________________________________________
7. (go to work by car) ________________________________________________
8. (work hard) ________________________________________________
9. (travel by air) ________________________________________________
10. (play piano) ________________________________________________

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