Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов

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Англ практикум

13. White the nеgative form.
1. I play the piano very well ______________________________________
2. Jane plays the piano very well. _______________________________
3. They know my phone number. ________________________________
4. We work very hard. ________________________________
5.He has a bath every day. ________________________________
6. You do the same thing every day. _________________________________
7. Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.__________________________________
8. I finish my work at 5 o clock. _____________________________________
9. She speaks four languages very well. _______________________________
10. He works very hard most of the time. _____________________________

14. Correct the verb that are wrong.
1. Water boils at 100 degrees celcius. ____________________________________
2.The water boils. Can you turn it off? ___________________________________
3. Look! The man tries to open the door of your car. ________________________
4.Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? _____________________
5.The moon goes round the earth. _______________________________________
6.I must go now. It gets late. ___________________________________________
7.I usually go to work by car. ______________________________________
8.Hurry up! It is must to leave. _____________________________________
9.I hear you have got a new job. How do you get on? ____________________
10. How is your English? Not bad. It improves slowly. __________________

15. Tell about your working day.

1. ... always go abroad during their summer holidays.
2. Give ... the book, please.
3. He is an old friend of ... .
4. He washed and dressed ... .
5. ... is that man?- Tony Evans.
6. ... ... pupils are there in your class?
a)How many
b)How much
c)How old
d) What
e) Which.
7 ... is that man?- He is a doctor.
a) Who
b) What
c) Which
d) How
e) When
8 ... friend made some mistakes in his dictation.
a) My
b) He
c) Mine
d) Them
e) Yours.
9. Is ... absent today?
a) somebody
b) anybody
c) nobody
d) anywhere
e) some
10. I can’t do it today. I have ... free time.
a) much
b) many
c) little
d) few
e) a lot of
11. If you ever have ... problems, let me know.
a) any
b) some
c) no
d) every
e) something
12. Did ... see this film yesterday?
a) somebody
b) anybody
c) nobody
d) everybody
e) anything.
13. How ... English words do you know?
a) many
b) much
c) little
d) few
e) more
14. Don’t worry. We have ... time before the train comes in.
a) little
b) few
c) much
d) many
e) more
15. These pencils are ... , take ... if you want.
a) my / it
b) our / them
c) mine / it
d) her / them
e) mine / them
16. I have lost ... pen, may I take ... ?
a) mine / your
b) your / your
c) my / yours
d) her / your
e) yours / my
17. ... often meet here.
a) We
b) He
c) She
d) Our
e) Them
18. She’ll go there with ... husband and ... daughter.
a) her / her
b) hers / her
c) her / hers
d) my / mine
e) mine / my
19. My elder brother looks like ... mother .
a) hers
b) my
c) yours
d) this
e) her
20. ... of you knows his address?
a) Who
b) Which
c) What
d) How
e) How many
21. We have very many relatives in ... native town.
a) my
b) our
c) ours
d) theirs
e) them
22. They can do it ... .
a) ourself
b) myself
c) themselves
d) theirself
e) theirs
23. She took off ... coat and began to work.
a) she
b) her
c) hers
d) herself
e) mine
24. I’ve got no pen to write with. I’ll ask Mary to give me ... .
a) her
b) hers
c) herself
d) mine
e) my
25. First of all we shall listen to ... suggestions, then we shall put forward ...
a) their / our
b) theirs / our
c) their / ours
d) theirs / ours
e) they / our
26. There are more than ... books in the library.
a) 2 million
b) 2 millions
c) 2nd million
d) the 2 million
e) 2th millions
27.The first of June nineteen hundred
a) 01.06. 1900
b) 01.07. 1900
c)01.06. 9010
d) 01.06. 19100
e) 01.06. 1990
28. His birthday on ... of October.
a) the four
b) four
c) the fourth
d) fourth
e) the fours
29. He moved there some years ago, in 1950.
a) ninety fifty
b) nineteen fifty
c) ninety fifteen
d) nineteen fifteen
e) ninty fifty
30.This famous poet was born on ... of October.
a) the twenty three
b) twenty threeth
c) the twenty third
d) twentieth third
e) twenty third

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