Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов

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Англ практикум

15. Tell about your last journey.

1. I needed … too, so I looked on the Internet for hotels
a) visa
b ) a ticket
c) a suitcase
d) a passport
e) an accommodation
2. We.... to Costa Rica for our holidays next June. I’ve already booked a hotel in San Jose.
a) `ll go b ) ’re going
c) go
d) went
e) gone
3. I went … a long walk in the rainforest with an excellent local guide.
a) to
b) on
c) with
d) for
e) –
4. You can also go … a boat trip along the river Amazon.
a) to
b) on
c) -
d) for
e) from
5. We could go… fishing for piranhas.
a) for
b) -
c) on
d) for
e) from
6. Have you ever been on a business… abroad?
a) journey
b) trip
c) walk
d) excursion
e) party
7. So you can go … in one of the hotel`s beautiful pool.
a) dancing
b) walking
c) swimming
d) playing
e) smoking
8. How often do you go … a drink after work/class?
a) to
b) with
c) on
d) -
e) for
9. Who did you go on holiday … ?
a) to
b) with
c) on
d) -
e) for
10. .... a lot of rain in Colombia.
a) it`s
b) there are
c) is
d ) there is
e) there be
11. The hotel .... by a large fire.
a) is destroyed
b ) destroy
c) was destroyed
d) destroys
e) has destroyed
12. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it … raining there.
a) is
b) should be
c) to be
d) was
e ) be
13. The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relaxed. He explained that he'd been on holiday the … week.
a) earlier
b) following
c) next
d) previous
e) last
14. I told you …. switch off the computer, didn't I?
a) don't
b) not
c) not to
d) to not
e) didn`t
15. Someone .. . me there's been an accident on the motorway.
a) asked
b) said
c) spoke
d) told
e ) ordered
16. When I rang Tessa last week, she said she was busy … day.
a) that
b) the
c) then
d) this
e) those
17.When he was at Oliver's flat yesterday, Martin asked if he … use the phone.
a) can
b) could
c) may
d) must
e) had to
18 Judy ... going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.
a) admitted
b) offered
c) promised
d) suggested
e) ordered
19. Polly: I'm really tired. When I saw Polly yesterday, she said she … really tired.
d)will be
e)should be
20. She can’t swim in the race because she .... her arm.
a) has broken
b) broke
c) breaks
d) is breaking
e) was breaking
21. Jane : 'I am busy now.'
a)Jane said that she is busy now
b)Jane said that she was busy then
c) Jane said that she has been busy then
d)Jane said that she will be busy
e)Jane said that she would be busy
22. 'Call back later!' (He /me)
a) He told me to call him back later
b) He told me not to call him back later
c) He told me call him back later
d ) He told he would call back later
e) He told me I call back later
23. Don't forget to … a taxi to take you to the airport.
a) book
b) buy
c) rent
d) change
e) travel
24. Before you leave home make sure you have all your travel …
a) paper
b) permissions
c) passports
d) documents
e) currency
25. At the job interview, they asked me where I … for the last two years.
a) had been working
b) work
c) `ll work
d) had worked
e) `m working
26. When I got back, I saw that my sister .... all the chocolates! The box was empty!
a) had eaten
b) has eaten
c) ate
d) eats
e)is eating
27. How long does it … to fly from Singapore to Bangkok?
a) duration
b) last
c) take
d) go
e) travel
28. They told me .... .
a) to relax b) relaxing
c) relax
d) relaxed
e) to relaxing
29. She told me that she .... her car when she was driving to the shops.
a) had been crashed
b) was crashing
c) had to crash
d) had crashed
e) is crashing
30. I couldn’t take any pictures because I.... my camera in my car.
a) ’d left
b) ‘m leaving
c) to leave
d)`ve left
e) left

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