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Rabota Posobie PKRO 2 IYa

teaching assistant – практикант
teaching assistantship - практика

  1. Exams, points, degrees

a GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) – экзамен по одному из предметов по программе средней школы на получение аттестата зрелости
ace an exam – блестяще сдавать экзамены
A-F – шкала баллов от 5 до 0
ask for a make-up exam/ test – просить об индивидуальной сдаче экзамена/ написании контрольной работы по причине болезни или чрезвычайных обстоятельств
ask for an extension(extra time for research) – просить об отсрочке сдачи экзамена/ результатов исследования
bogus exam passes – «липовые» (купленные) оценки
cum laude (=with praise) – третья степень отличия
defend the thesis/ dissertation – защищать диссертацию
excellent grades (high marks) – отличные оценки
fail – незачет
get an A – получить «пять»
hand in one’s paper at a later date – сдавать работу в более поздний срок
honor student – медалист
magna cum laude (with high praise) – вторая степень отличия
mid-term paper – среднесеместровая работа/ четвертная работа
pass/ credit – зачет
pass/ fail (flunk) an exam – сдать/ провалить экзамен
published dissertation summary – автореферат диссертации
quiz – контрольная/ самостоятельная работа
receive one’s bachelor’s degree with honours – получить диплом бакалавра с отличием
senior thesis – дипломная работа
straight A-student – круглый отличник
summa cum laude – высшая степень отличия
term paper – семестровая работа
transcript – вкладыш к диплому об образовании

Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Almost all college students live in coed dormitories or in houses shared with friends. 2. Since last summer at least 256 teachers had lost their jobs after 10 fee-paying schools folded, said officials. 3. Although many employers prefer candidates to have a degree in business or engineering, some companies hire liberal arts graduates. 4. For three mornings a week she went to a playgroup run by a friend who was a trained Froebel teacher. 5. Cramming is not confined to the junior high school and senior high school years. 6. At our school we have four periods in the morning and three in the afternoon. 7. This has been a successful attempt to tackle the problem of bullying in schools. 8. His comments on Paul Caton, the deputy principal, were gratuitously offensive. 9. The stipend of the professorship is at present 34, 467 pounds per annum. 10. I’m changing my major to political science. 11. She was undergrad at Barnard and he was a graduate teaching assistant at the university. 12. He gave us a quiz on the reading every other day. 13. The students are reported to have had high scores on the SAT examinations.

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