Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

Ex.7. Answer the following questions. You only have one minute for each one

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Ex.7. Answer the following questions. You only have one minute for each one.

  1. Think of three reasons that a company might liquidate assets.

  2. Think of three big businesses that have gone under or sunk in the last ten years.

  3. Think of three times when you found it difficult to keep your head above water financially.

  4. Think of three investments which would be pouring your money down the drain.

  5. Think of three things which might be subject to a price freeze.

Ex. 8. Look at these expressions which all use the word work. Use some of the expressions to complete the sentences below.
work long hours work shifts work overtime work flextime
in work out of work at work get down to work

  1. Nurses have to _________________. Sometimes they are

_______________ during the day, and sometimes through the night.

  1. In my company we _________________. We can start at any time

between 8 and 10 in the morning.

  1. Salesmen often ____________________, starting early in the morning

and finishing late at night.

  1. I usually finish work at 5, but if I have to __________________, finishing

at 7 or 8, I don’t mind, because I get paid more money.

  1. Before getting this job I was ___________________ for six months. It was

boring and I had very little money. I’m glad that I am
____________________ now.

  1. I’m finding it very difficult to ____________________ at the moment. I

keep looking out of the window and day dreaming.

Ex. 9. What’s the most interesting or unusual job you have ever had or heard about? It could be your job now, of course. Prepare to describe it to your partner. Think about the questions below.
1. What job is it, and what were responsibilities come with the job?
2. How would you describe the job? Was it demanding or rewarding, for example? In what ways?
3.What was interesting or unusual about it?

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