Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

Ex. 10. Read and translate the given text

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Ex. 10. Read and translate the given text:
UN’s Human Rights body under fire
The operation of the United Nations Commissions for Human Rights came under attack yesterday from its own chairman as well as human rights groups for playing politics rather than making a genuine attempt to promote human rights and tackle abuses.
South Africa’s ambassador to the UN in Geneva and current Chairman of the commission, said it was essential to reform the block voting system which led to vote on the basis of group solidarity and not on the substance of human rights issues. At a news conference prior to the end of the commission’s annual session the ambassador said the group system may have been of use in the past but it was now a “hindrance”. His outspoken attack on the working of the commission coincided with accusations by human rights groups that grave human rights violations in Algeria and China have been ignored.
Before the six-week commission session, both the European Union and the US announced that they would not sponsor a resolution against China in recognition of progress made and continuing discussions on human rights.
For its part, Algeria has vigorously resisted outside intervention despite president calls for the UN to investigate massacres in the country which have led to the deaths of more than 65000 people since 1992.
A US-based Human Rights Watch member said by doing nothing on China and Algeria the US contributes to the surprise defeat of its resolution on Cuba, because it underlined “the lack of consistent standards” in US human rights policy.
The commission passed resolutions criticizing killings and other abuses in Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia, Iran, etc. A vote on Burundi is expected, along with a statement on east Timor.
South Africa’s ambassador attributed the failures of consistency to group voting, and said he would be urging the commission to look at reform. He would also be recommending changes to the commission’s agenda next year so that it could look more flexibly at different human rights situations rather than continue discussion of the same old issues.
At the same time, he said the commissions, which celebrates its 50th anniversary, had some successes, including a declaration calling on states to protect human rights defenders which went to the UN general assembly for approval.

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