Профессиональный иностранный язык Стоматология Перечень вопросов рубежного контроля 2023-2024 учебный год. Лексика

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Профессиональный иностранный язык
Перечень вопросов рубежного контроля
2023-2024 учебный год.
1. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “healing исцеления
2. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “autopsy вскрытие
3. Give the English equivalent of the word: “емдеу / лечить”-to cure
4. Give the English equivalent of the word: “зардап шегу/ страдать “-suffer
5. Complete the sentence: In 1776 vaccination for smallpox… was discovered in England by Edward Jenner.
6. Complete the sentence: Apollo was the god of disease and …healing
7. Complete the sentence: People, who were afraid of plague run away from affected areas
8. Complete the sentence: Only flossing …removes plaque from between the teeth and under the gumline.
9. Match the definition with the proper word: Cutting open of bodies to learn more about the different parts and how they work. dissection
10. Find the synonym of the word: “doctor”physician
11. Choose the correct Kazakh/Russian equivalent: “diseases of the teeth” заболевание зубов
12.Choose the right variant: Dentistry is the branch diseases of medicine concerned with diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases and abnormalities of the teeth and gums

13.Find the necessary words: The patient may feel a hole in a tooth with tongue, brown or black discoloration . may be seen.

14. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “consumption” потребление
15. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “bile”желчь
16. Give the English equivalent of the word: “жазылуы \ выздоровление”convalescence
17. Give the English equivalent of the word: “ісіну/ опухать, отекать”swell
18. Complete the sentence: Narcotics were used in …treatment of diseases in Mexico.
19. Complete the sentence: The primitive man began to study …anatomy from the animals he killed.
20. Complete the sentence: In the 20th century great progress was made in the prevention and treatment of prevention of diseases \ cancer, bacterial, viral infections all answers
21. Complete the sentence: It is …estimated that in the United States of America alone 29 million people have non teeth of their own.
22. Match the definition with the proper word: A state of complete physical and social well- being.health
23.Choose the correct Kazakh/ Russian equivalent: “poor oral hygiene”плохая гигиена полости рта
24. Choose the correct words: Pulpitis may be painful… or …painless .
25. Choose the correct variant: Under the term “… …” certain industrial diseases come, such as phosphorus and lead poisoning. Chemical stomatitis
26.Choose the correct variant: Find the correct synonym “to get into the pulp”
27. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “poison “яд
28. Give the Kazakh/Russian equivalent of the word: “to remove “удалять
29. Give the English equivalent of the word: “қатерлі ісік \ раковая опухоль, рак” cancer
30. Give the English equivalent of the word: “қабыну/ воспаление”inflammation

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