Психологиялық-педагогикалық ЖƏне арнаулы білім берукафедрасы

What issues does a teaching plan include?

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3.What issues does a teaching plan include?Potential problems with health, development, or emotional issues.
2).Preschool in the United Kingdom
1.At what age does preschool education in England begin?
2. At what age does compulsory primary education in the UK begin?
3. What lesson is taught in 3 R’s?
4. What subjects are taught?
5. What is the most important part of preschool education in the UK?

3).Pre-school education in the USA
1.At what age children do not have to go to preschool?
2.What types of preschool institutions are there?
3.What is a cooperative school?
4. What is a church school?
5. In what year did you use the Montessori teaching method developed by Maria Montessori?


Glossary of disciplines

Method - (method; Greek. Methods - theory, doctrine, way of research) - a unified approach to achieving the intended goal, a system of disciplinary behavior.
Methodist - a teacher who is well versed in teaching methods.
Methodical office is a place where teachers conduct methodological work at the school (kindergarten) level, which provides for self-search, exchange of experience, professional development of teachers in a visual subject.
Baby - the period from birth to one year.
Bobekzhay is a preschool institution that raises children from 2-3 months to 3 years old.
Personal education is a form of organization of educational work. At the same time in the educational work in the kindergarten there is an individual pedagogical interaction with each child. It is based on the child's uniqueness and living conditions.
Supervisor - 1) a person who manages a certain organization; 2) organizer of the work of a particular organization.
Leadership is a socio-psychological phenomenon. A term that defines the exercise of power and influence within a social group.
Schedule - to determine the direction, timing of work on the calendar.
Re-education is a system of pedagogical influence aimed at correcting some of the negative attitudes and behaviors of the child, which are subject to the requirements of society and norms.
Difficult upbringing is a child's inability to understand the educational effect, whether understandable or incomprehensible.
Praise - high appreciation of the behavior and activity of children by educators and parents, the purpose of motivation and the measures taken.
Preschool institution is an institution for the upbringing of infants (from 2 months to 3 years) and preschool children (from 3 to 5 years).
Preschool pedagogy is an integral part of pedagogical science, which studies the laws of development of preschool children.
Preschool education and training - education and training of preschool children in the family or preschool organization.
Preschool organization is an organization that creates conditions for the development of educational programs of preschool education and training.
Upbringing is a good deed done to form the human image of an individual and adapt it to life.
Educational methods are a set of methods of educational interaction arising from social relations between adults and children. It aims to organize, increase the activity and discipline of children's lives, activities and relationships. Methods of education determine the personality of the educator, the level of professional competence.
Crisis of educational impact - problems that arise in the interaction of education. Types: action crisis, medium crisis, speech crisis, substance crisis.
The system of education - the individual's ideological, political, moral, economic, etc. systematic process of formation.
The driving force of the educational process is the real contradiction between the renewal of the needs of the educator and the ability to meet it, the attempt of the mentor to regulate it.
The method of self-management in education is to increase the activity of children, ensuring the creation of a working yeast of the educational staff.
Journal of educational activities - a notebook with detailed information about the team, the problems encountered in the upbringing of the child and ways to solve it.
Educator - a leader of educational work with children in educational institutions.

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