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Preschool education in Kazakhstan

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Preschool education in Kazakhstan

The message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev «Improvement of the welfare of the people of Kazakhstan is the main goal of public policy» would have focused . Today, in different regions of Kazakhstan, in rural areas, the number of kindergartens and mini-centers is growing. This is a sign that we will not be able to move forward without the development of the first stage of education, as the head of state said. Today, in different regions of Kazakhstan, in rural areas, the number of crimes and mini-centers is growing. This is a sign that we will not be able to move forward without the development of the first stage of education, as the head of state said. «A young child is a young twig, and the way you bend it when you are young, it will harden when you grow up. If you try to fix a bent rod, you will break it,» said Magzhan Zhumabayev. pre-school education on the development of moral qualities and upbringing of children is important.And now we need to say that this preschool education, as mentioned above, is supported and developed at the same time in our country. Let's take a look at it. Prior to independence, Kazakhstan had the best education system in Central Asia, covering 70% of children under 7 years of age. In 1991, there were 8,743 kindergartens, more than half of which (4,868) were privatized during the “optimization” period, and some of the kindergarten buildings were neglected and demolished. In general, by 2000 the number of kindergartens in the country decreased to 1144.As of January 1, 2013, there are 8,590 preschool organizations in the country, which are attended by 644.3 thousand children. Taking into account international experience (in Germany, Japan, etc.), as well as in order to increase the coverage of children with preschool education and training, mini-centers are actively opened (mini-centers – 63.5%, kindergartens – 36.4%). %). In accordance with the main international documents in the field of education, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for the principle of equal rights to education for children with disabilities. Inclusive education is provided in 166 kindergartens for 2,375 children in the country, which is 14% of the total number of children with disabilities.
Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan in 2010 In order to fulfill the instructions of the President within the framework of the program «Balapan» mentioned in the Address, short-term measures were taken to provide the population with kindergartens: 1) the schedule of introduction of objects of the preschool organizations at the expense of public and private investments for 2009-2015 is developed; 2) measures were taken to vacate the buildings of kindergartens, where government agencies are located, to transfer them to communal ownership; 3) the use of other buildings and premises for the opening of preschool organizations .

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