length and
height define the boundaries of the 2D subgrid that is contained
in a process. It should be noted that two copies
of the data are maintained
for calculating the new population. In fact, as each element of the current
population is used many times the current population cannot be rewritten.
CAGE uses the standard tool for genetic programming
sgpc [25] to ap-
ply the GP algorithm to each grid point. However, in order to meet the re-
quirements of the cellular GP algorithm, a number of modifications have
been introduced.
The same data structure of
sgpc is used to store a tree in each cell. The
structure that stored the population has been transformed from a one-
dimensional array to a two-dimensional array and we duplicated this struc-
ture in order to store the current and the new generated tree. The selection
procedure has been replaced with one that uses only the neighborhood cells
and three replacement policies arc added. The crossover operator accepts in
input the current tree and the best tree in the neighborhood. Two procedures
to pack and unpack the trees that must be sent to the other processes have
been added. The pack procedure is used to send
in a linearized form the
trees of the boundary data to the neighbor processes. Data are transmitted as
a single message in order to minimize the message startup and transmission
time. The unpack procedure rebuilds the data and stores it in the new proc-
essor's private address space.
The execution of a parallel program is composed of two phases: compu-
tation and communication. During the computation phase each process of
the concurrent program that implements the run-time support executes
computations which only manipulate data local to this process.
These data
can be local variables or boundary data received from neighbor processes.
The effective data transmission between processes is done at the end of each
local computation. This means that, during computation phase, no data are
The parallel implementation has been realized on a multicomputer
Meiko CS-2. In [15] we present the convergence results obtained with
CAGE and compare them with the sequential canonical
GP and the island
model implementation realized by [22] and [24].
is used as the ca-
nonical sequential implementation of genetic programming. Preliminary
experimental results shows better performances of tins approach. We are
planning an experimental study on a wide number of benchmark problems
to substantiate the validity of the cellular implementation.