Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

Ex.9. Translate the sentence from Russian into English

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English 1st

Ex.9. Translate the sentence from Russian into English.
1. Я попросил Джека дать мне его словарь. 2. Кондуктор сказал пассажирам не выскакивать из автобуса на ходу. 3. Учитель попросил студента стереть с доски.4. Он напомнил мне отправить письмо. 5.Отец запретил детям входить в его кабинет.6.Инспектор предупредил нас, что здесь стоянка запрещена. 7. Гид посоветовал нам заглянуть и в этот небольшой музей.

Text: Employment Agencies. Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech.
Практические цели: Ознакомление лексического материала по теме "Getting a job" и закрепление активной лексики в речевых упражнениях, развитие умений и навыков монологической речи. Введение грамматической темы: “Direct and Indirect Speech.” и выполнение грамматических упражнений на закрепление.
Employment Agencies.
In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first job. Careers Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions.
One business organization that you may use when you are job-hunting is an employment agency. There are the state employment services and nonprofit agencies that do not receive fees for finding jobs for people. There exist also private employment agencies which receive a fee. Some employment agencies see applicants without an appointment. These include the state employment agencies and nonprofit agencies. Counselors there may spend a few minutes with each applicant.
But an agency that deals with technical and higher – salaried jobs, spends much more time with each applicant. Appointments are necessary in this type of agency , where a counselor may be able to see only a few applicants a day. An interview for any kind of job, whether the interview is obtained through a friend, classified advertisement, or an agency, generally requires an appointment. It is important to be on time for your appointment. If you have made an appointment and cannot keep it, or if you will be more than ten minutes late, you should always call the interviewer. If you do cancel the appointment or notify the interviewer that you will be late, you will create a negative impression on your possible employer.
To make efficient use of time, American business people schedule their days hour by hour. In most American business situations, appointments are a necessary courtesy.

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