Академиялық жазылымның зерттелу деңгейі және электронды контент жасаудың өзекті мәселелері
ylkasymov’s works are reviewed and we focus on the
history of scientific style, which was founded in the
second half of the XIX century, considering as the starting point of modern academic writing. At present,
local scientists like E. Ospanov, B.B. Dinaeva, S.M. Sapina are studying the theoretical
and practical as-
pects of this issue, they describe ways to compile an academic text in the Kazakh language and all their
papers are profoundly discussed in the article. In conclusion the ways to introduce an academic writing
into the scientific space of our country using electronic resources are described.
Key words:
academic writing,
web resources, language templates, language constructors, electronic
textbooks, information technology.
С.А.Оданова, К.Е. Молдабаева*
Казахский национальный женский
педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы
*e-mail: k.moldabaeva@aues.kz
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