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Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 34
In his writings, military scientists and specialists, revealing topical issues of military education, carried a
bright line principle of continuity and the close relationship between the generations. Since one of the most
pressing issues of military education in the military training of young scientists and specialists has always
been a question of preservation and respect for the principle of continuity, both in science and in training and
education. All the ideas and thoughts of military scientists and experts talk about the need to «... create a
cadre reserve for technology-intensive industries of the future. Without modern education system and
modern management, modern ambitious, in a new way, we will not be able to create an innovative
economy» [9].
The ability to professionally manage the outcomes of the teaching staff of the university - trained
scientists and highly qualified military personnel who have received research and professional qualifications
of the National Defense University in the flagship military science and education in the country is the
implementation of state objectives and clear their timely execution.
In connection with what is always relevant for all generations of servicemen words of Army General PG
Lushev, who said: «Based on the extensive experience of our Armed Forces, come to this, in my opinion, is
very important for a military man conclusion: this is not formally a commander, and in fact becomes the only
one who has learned to combine high standards with goodwill in relation to the standing under his people,
with a constant concern for their ideological and professional growth, moral perfection, health, home
appliances, cultural development. Care and sensitivity, respect for subordinates - naiperveyshie dignity
commander» [2, p. 19].
In the writings of scientists and military experts - the founders of the military education of the country
laid the foundation for the development of modern military thought, tactical, operational and strategic
training command personnel.
They address the issues of training highly qualified officers of military educational institutions of the
country, taking into account the status and trends of development of military affairs, the development of the
theory and practice of military affairs in higher military education as a priority of the state.
Military scientists and specialists pay attention to the organization and staffing of the Armed Forces,
Doctor of Military Sciences and qualified military experts, because it is the state's approach to the execution
of the state order.
In one scientific article lists all military scientists and experts who have brought and contributing at this
time contribute to the development of military education in the country is not possible, but this work will
They are all true military oath shows Kazakhstan officers example of service to the motherland and
continuing relationship generations taught us to look at each other as he wrote B.Momyshuly: «... primarily
as a military friends ...» and «... skillfully apply all measures of influence on the fighter, not humiliating his
human dignity, acting on his feelings, conscience, mind ...» to «... be an example for subordinates anytime,
anywhere ...» [2, p. 16]. 1 Nazarbayev N.A. Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign Kazakhstan. - Alma-Ata: Deuіr, 1992. - 55 p. 2 Tasbulatov A.B. The history of the training of professional military personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the theory and practice of the defense functions of the state. Diss ... Doctor. hist. Sciences. - Almaty, 2006. - 389 p. 3 Begeldinov T.Y. «Elah» attack. Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1996. - 176 p. 4 Gabdullin M. On Friends comrades. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1961. - 191 p. 5 Kaysenov K. Partizaskoyu trail. - Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1965. - 423 p. 6 Belan L.S. Kazakhs in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. years .: Author. dis ... Doctor. hist. Sciences. - Alma- Ata, 1990. 7 Nurmagambetov S.K. And there is silence in memory ... Almaty: Ana tili, 1999. - 156 p. 8 Muhanbetkaliev H.S. Fighting the way and military-theoretical heritage Baurjan Momysh-uly: historical analysis. Diss ... doctor of history. Sciences. - Shchuchinsk, 2006. - 261 p. 9 Nazarbayev N.A. Address to the People of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan on the way of accelerated economic, social, political modernization of Kazakhstan // true. - 20 February 2005. 10 Serikbaev K.S. Military education: problems and some ways of their solution // Baғdar 2001 - № 2. - S. 52 - 59. 11 Serikbaev K.S. Social security Defenders of the Fatherland - the basis of military security // Baғdar 2001 - № 2. - S. 39 - 43. 12 Serikbaev K.S. Ate teuelsіzdіgіne - berіk қorғanys // Baғdar, 2012 - № 1. - S. 47 - 51.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 35
13 Serikbaev KS Problems and some ways of improving military education and military science: Monograph. - Shchuchinsk, 2011. -255 p. 14 Muhanbetkaliev H.S. History and development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Diss ... cand. Military. Sciences. - Almaty, 2001. - P. 106. 15 Urazov E.L. «Ways of implementation of the reform of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan» // Bulletin of the National Defense University. Scientific and educational journal, 2004 - № 4. - pp 29 - 35.