Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 343
Liberal style is often referred to as "laissez faire": the chief is conflict-free, provides the employees
themselves and themselves determine the goals and methods of their solutions. As the head refuses to control
and motivation of staff, does not have the proper authority, the control is based on the requests of a personal
nature, persuasion, exhortations.
Liberal chiefs do not apply any serious disciplinary action, and, therefore, are always in good relations
with their subordinates. Often, their relationships become crony, informal, distance between boss and
employee becomes imperceptible. This head is almost always avoid involvement in conflict situations.
Unpleasant facts are seen, but ignored in the hope that they will somehow disappear by themselves.
The resulting power vacuum leads to the appearance of competing factions are fighting for influence in
chief for the purpose of purchase privileges. You may see the shadow leader. The collapse of the team and
disorganization often are constrained by party leader and shadow employees in the carefree life, not to lose
the chief-sufferer, they fulfill the required minimum, the benefit has complete freedom in the choice of
means. [4]
Liberal leaders give subordinates freedom to set their goals, monitoring performance and are minimally
involved in business. The Group has the right to make their own decisions.
Subordinates rid of the annoying control; they take their own decisions on the basis of discussion and
looking under the powers granted to the ways of their implementation. This work allows them to express
themselves; it brings satisfaction and creates a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. It
builds trust between people who contribute to the voluntary adoption of the additional powers and
The head gives the information, assesses the activities of his employees, promotion, training, providing
assistance and support to maintain a good morale, as well as in cases of dispute, he reserves the right of final
The use of this style is becoming more common due to the growing scale of research and development
activities, carried out by highly skilled professionals, do not accept the pressure, micromanagement and
At the same time, this style can easily be transformed into a bureaucratic, when the head is removed from
all cases, transferring them into the hands of "nominees". Latest on his behalf manage the team, while
applying more and more authoritarian methods. He just pretends that power is in his hands, but in fact more
and more becomes dependent on his volunteers. [5]
The current situation, the transition to 12-year education model requires the use of the head in practice the
whole arsenal of management science in the cube with the conscious use of the strengths of the individual
manager. Such individual situational approach means using in each case the adequate management styles -
authoritarian, liberal or democratic. The richer arsenal governing receptions and more flexible than the head
rebuilt to achieve the goal, the more reason to say that he has good skills of effective management.
Managers usually use either the democratic-oriented human relations or autocratic oriented work styles.
In modern conditions, in the 12-year-old training business success is not only determined by the personal
orientation of the head, but also a number of other factors: the situation, the degree of maturity of the
employees, their attitude to the head, a willingness to cooperate, the nature of the problem, and others.
The heads cannot change themselves and their management style, as a rule, so we need to put them in
those terms when they could best way show themselves on the basis of the situation and of the task.
In the context of well-defined tasks simple instructions are enough to do the job, so at the same time
manager can be an autocrat, not forgetting, however, that the slight dictatorship and tyranny - not the same
thing. The first humans can perceive with the understanding, and the second against the legitimately
indignant and refuse to work.
The management style that focuses on the maintenance of human relationships, the most suitable for the
head of a moderately favorable situations where it does not have sufficient authority to ensure the necessary
level of cooperation with subordinates. If relations are good, people are generally inclined to do what is
required of them, and focus on the organizational side of things can cause a conflict in which the influence of
the head on the slave falls. Orientation is on human relations, on the contrary, increases the impact of the
head and improves relationships with subordinates.
Leadership style is predetermined by the peculiarities of the organization and its divisions that exist in
their order of doing things, the positions of senior management, the prevailing system of values and the type
of culture, random factors. Leadership styles are rotated, for example, depending on the external situation,
coupled with the changes in the educational system, the introduction of innovations. Alternating use of two
sheets received in the western management name "method of two hats."
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 344
In each case, between authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles there is a certain balance, and an
increase in the proportion of the elements of one of them will lead to a decrease in others.
Thus, the management system of the 12-year management training has a joint venture of teachers, other
staff and students. This process includes the creation of the necessary conditions for the control, the use of
necessary means and methods of control and management functions, based on the laws and principles of
1 Управление персоналом. Учебник и практикум// И.А. Максимцев, Н.А. Горелов. – М.: Изд-во: «Юрайт», 2015. – 528 с. 2 Менеджмент в управлении школой/ Т.И.Шамова, Н.В.Немова, К.Н.Ахлестин, и др.; под ред. Т.И.Шамовой. – М.: ИЧП «Издательство Магистр», 2005. – 226 с. 3 Ключевые идеи менеджмента: Пер. с англ/ С. Крейнер. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2002. – 346 с. 4. Лазарев B.C. Управление образованием на пороге новой эпохи// Педагогика. – 2007. – N 5. – С. 12-18. 5 Полуянов В.Б. Организация и управление в сфере образования: Учебное пособие. – Екатеринбург, 2000. – 138 с. 6 История менеджмента/ А.И. Кравченко. – М.: КНОРУС, 2010. – 430 с.