particlcs or ions which were discharged at the clcctrodcs. These ions were
produced simply by dissolving the cicctrolytc in the solvent and so the
conccpt o f bond-breaking in the molcculcs o f cicctrolytc was first
established. It is now realized that the energy required for such a proccss
comcs from tlic solvation of the ions. When the ions are introduced into
solution, they interact with solvent molcculcs and a considerable heat of
solvation may be involved. In order to understand such concepts, it is
ncccssary to have a more detailed picture of the structure of the solvent
molecules. Although non-aqucous solutions arc of considerable interest,
much of the work has been done in aqueous systems and these continue to
be of paramount importance.
Words and Word-Combi nations to Be Memorized
assumption, behave, conclude, considerable, a good deal of, a great deal
of, detect, discharge, clcctricity, to some extent, interest, interaction, kinetic,
merely, mobile, ncglcct, or so, parameter, primary, realize, result from, transport
Ex. 5. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
a detailed knowledge, result from interactions, affect profoundly, during
forty years or so, the equilibrium properties of solutions, produce a signi
ficant contribution, the relevant kinetic parameters, ncglcct some parame
ters, the energy comes from, be of considerable interest
Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents for the following:
взаимодействия ионов и молекул в растворе, влиять на свойства,
чтобы понять эти явления, есть ряд трудностей, в течение последних
сорока лет, изучать количественно, иметь первостепенное значение,
получать информацию, ограничивать до некоторой степени, желатель
но знать, приближаться к равновесию, посредством переноса, по
движная заряженная частица, разорвать связь в молекуле, вводить в
раствор, для того чтобы понять, «сводный раствор
Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with articles where ncccssary.
1. Sometimes it is ncccssary to have ... detailed knowledge about...
composition o f ... solution under test. 2. It is desirable to know ... relevant
kinetic parameters. 3. To understand... structure o f ... electrolyte solution
i s ... difficult problem. 4. It was concluded th at... clcctrolysis took place
through ... transport o f ... clcctricity by ... mobile charged particles.
5. Much o f ... work has been done in ... aqueous systems.
Ex. 8. Give synonyms for the following:
a number of, a great deal of, do, produce, significant, information,
obtain, study, actual, regard, analogous
Ex. 9. Give antonyms for the following:
present, new, uncharged, differently, with, difficult, many, move, more
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It is often ncccssary to understand interactions in clcctrolytc
solutions. 2. Some properties of the solutions will be profoundly affected.
3. In studying the properties o f a solution, it is desirable to know its
composition. 4. Interactions between the ions and the solvent molcculcs
were sometimes neglected. 5. On returning, wc shall continue our
investigation. 6. Tomorrow you must finish it up. 7. In studying a foreign
language, one must leam a lot of foreign words by heart. 8. You arc not
allowed to work in the laboratory without learning the safety instruction.
9. In the proccss of oxidation, the oxygen may be supplied by the air.
10. Solids dissolve in liquids only to a limited extent. 11. Pure water
conducts the electric current hardly at all. 12. Existence of germanium
was predicted by D. 1. Mendeleyev in 1871.13. Crystalline salts generally
diflUse rapidly. 14. Due to crowding during formation or to erosion after
formation, crystals arc seldom perfect 15. The chcmical properties of ozone
are similar to those of oxygen except for its being more activc. 16. Silicon
resembles carbon in forming a scries of volatile hydrides. 17. In dealing
with crystals, one first encounters ions— atoms or groups of atoms carrying
electrical charges. 18. Nearly all mercuric compounds sublime on being
heated in the closed vessel. 19. Two elements may combine spontaneously
upon being mixed or under special conditions. 20. A catalyst is defined as
a substancc that will change the rate of a chcmical reaction without itself
being changed. 21. Carbon burns in oxygen on strong heating. 22. In
studying chcmistry, it is ncccssary to consider the nature of all kinds of
matter. 23. By changing the temperature of the reacting substanccs or by
changing the concentration (mass, per unit volume), the inherent tendency
to react may be incrcscd or decreased. 24. Water, a compound of hydrogen
and oxygen, is widely distributed over the earth. 25. Natural radioactivity
was discovered by the French physicist Henri Bccqucrcl (1851-1908) in
1896 just shortly after W. K. Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays in 1895.
26. Different real gases have slightly different molar volumes. 27. The
forces acting between atoms in a molcculc are very strong, and those acting
between molcculcs arc weak. 28. The heat capacity of a substancc at, say,
25°C is not necessarily the same as that measured at another temperature.
29. Covalency links arc those commonly met with in carbon compounds.
30. Finely divided barium sulphate has a great tendency to absorb other
ions from solutions.
Ex. 11. Translate the scntenccs into English without using a dictionary.
1. Для анализа раствора электролита необходимо знать, какие
частицы находятся в нем. 2. Ионы электролита и новые ионы, полу
чающиеся в результате взаимодействий в растворе, ведут себя по-
разному. 3. Большое внимание уделялось изучению растворов за пос
леднее время. 4. Еще в 1833 году был сделан вывод, что электролиз
происходит посредством переноса электричества подвижными заря
женными частицами. 5. Как водные, так и неводные растворы пред
ставляют интерес для исследователей.
Ex. 12. Answer the following questions:
Why is it ncccssary to know the spccics present in solution? 2. What
do the properties of cicctrolytc solutions depend on? 3. What knowledge
helped chcmists to build up theories of solutions? 4. What fundamental
conclusion made it possible to investigate cicctrolytc solutions
successfully? 5. What processes take placc in electrolyte solutions?