layer, have no force of attraction from molcculcs above. Some o f the more
rapidly moving molcculcs overcome the cohcsivc force of their neighbour
and leave the surface. The tendency to leave the surfacc or to evaporate
varies from liquid to liquid, and it increases when the temperature is raised.
The pressure causcd by the evaporation o f molcculcs from a liquid,
measured at equilibrium with the returning molcculcs at a given
temperature, is callcd the vapour pressure. In general, vapour pressure
increases when the temperature rises. With continued addition of heat the
vapour pressure rises still more until the vapour pressure reaches the vapour
pressure o f the atmosphere above the liquid. The evaporation goes on
throughout the liquid, and the liquid is boiling. Obviously the act of boiling
can be accomplished either by raising the temperature o f the liquid or by
reducing the pressure o f the atmosphere above the liquid.
W ords a n d W o rd -C o m b in atio n s to Be M em orized
accomplish, ammonia, attraction, average, compress, consequence, equal,
equilibrium, evaporation, expansion, extent, fast, flow, go on, layer, litre,
mercury, motion, the number of, obviously, occupy, overcome, per, pressure,
principle, raise, rate, reducc, regardless of, restrict, result in, return, as a rule,
stream, tend, tendency, throughout, unlike, vapour, velocity, weight
Ex. 5. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
as a consequence of this principle, the gram-molecular weight, calculate
by different methods, be accurate within 0.1 %, move at the same rate, to a
greater extent, give cvidcncc of, the force of cohesion, from this cvidcncc,
in a continuous stream, below the surface layer, overcome the force,
rise still more, throughout the liquid, accomplish the boiling, either... or...,
* reduce pressure
Ex. 6. Give the English equvalents for the following:
равный объем, независимо от состава, одинаковое число моле-
кул, при
температуре, под давлением в одну атмосферу, быть ограни
ченным, в меньшей степени, таким образом, нагревание жидкости,
как правило, приводить к, двигаться с большой скоростью, оказы
вать влияние на, со срсднсй скоростью, при данной температуре, на
поверхности жидкости, в отличие от, сила притяжения, тенденция к
испарению, достичь атмосферного давления, продолжать нагревание,
очевидно, или... или...
Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where
Liquids turn to form drops ... a greater or less extent. 2. One mole
... ammonia gas weighs... 17.073 grams, occupics a volume... 22.4 litres
... standard temperature and pressure. 3. The number ... molcculcs ...
gram-molc was calculated... different methods. 4 .... the same temperature,
molcculcs ... a liquid move ... the same rate as those ... a gas. S. The
effect ... increasing pressure ... the volume ... a liquid is only slight.
6. The tendency to evaporate varies ... liquid ... liquid. 7. ... general,
vapour pressure increases when the temperature rises.
Ex. 8. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to different
functions of
I. A sa consequence of Avogadro’s principle, it is possible to determine
the volume occupied by the gram-molccular weight of any gaseous
substance at standard temperature and pressure. 2. Molcculcs of a liquid
move at the same rate
as those in a gas at equal temperatures. 3. Liquids
can flow
as a stream. 4.
As a rule, there is a tendency o f the molcculcs to
occupy more space when they move at a faster rate. 5.
As it was rather late,
they decided to put off their work for the next day. 6. Technically, the
proccss of obtaining oxygen is complicated
as it requires one of the lowest
temperatures used industrially -194.4°C. 7.
As the hydrides of the alkali
decompose in water, hydrogen is being released. 8. In the laboratory,
hydrogen is made by the reaction of an acid such
as sulphuric acid, H2S 0 4,
with a metal such
as zinc. 9. Mendeleyev is famous
as the discovcrcr of
the law of periodicity. 10. The molcculcs move faster
as the temperature
rises. 11.ТЪе explosion occurcd
as the mixture was being heated.
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Discussing the topic helped both of us to understand it better.
2. Working in the laboratory is the most important step in training chemists.
3. Professor N ’s participating in this conference attracted many other
scientists. 4. His having made detailed notes at the lecture helped him to
successfully pass the examination. 5. Our article being accepted in the
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