Библиографический список:
1. Дружинин, В.И. Организация инновационной деятельности в образовательном
учреждении [Текст]: учебное пособие / В.И. Дружинин, Н.А. Криволапова. - Курган: ИПКиПРО
Курганской области, 2008. - 85с.
2. Гальскова, Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам [Текст]: пособие
для учителей / Н.Д. Гальскова. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: АРКТИ, 2003. - 192с.
3. Пассов, Е.И. Коммуникативный метод обучения иностранному говорению [Текст]:
пособие для учителей иностранного языка / Е.И. Пассов. - М.: Просвещение, 1985. - 208с.
4. Пассов, Е.И. программа-концепция коммуникативного иноязычного образования [Текст]
/ Е.И. Пассов. - М.: Прсвещение, 2000. - 228с.
5. Традиции и инновации в методике обучения иностранным языкам [Текст]: учебное
пособие для студентов и учителей / М.К. Колкова; под.ред. М.К. Колковой. - СПб.: КАРО, 2007. -
6. Бочарова, О.В. Применение ИКТ на уроках и после уроков [Текст]: методические
рекомендации для учителя сельской школы / О.В. Бочарова, О.Н. Арефьева. - Курган: ИПКиПРО
Курганской области, 2008. - 24с.
7. Обучение иностранным языкам [Текст]: учебное пособие для специалистов
образовательного учреждения / М.К. Колкова; под.ред. М.К. Колковой. - СПб.: КАРО, 2003. - 320с.
8. Коптюг, Н.М. Интернет - проекты как часть школьной программы [Текст] / Н.М. Коптюг
// Иностранные языки в школе: научно-методический журнал. 2008. - №2. - С.29 - 33.
9. Ефременко, В.А. Применение информационных технологий на уроках иностранного
языка [Текст] / В.А. Ефременко // Иностранные языки в школе: научно-методический журнал.
2007. - №8. - С.18 - 22.
10. Традиционные и инновационные методы обучения иностранному языку.
S.T. Abdrakhmanova, L.T. Bazarbayeva
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Polylinguism is considered as an important direction of development of mankind for a long time to
realize. Today it is impossible to imagine that somewhere else there are some countries, people who
owned only one language. And in reality, there are no civilized countries, where only one nation lives.
For the normal functioning of any multinational state formation is very important bilingualism and
Kazakhstan as a prosperous state, which tends to take a definite place in the world arena. The
country's development largely depends on the level of education of its citizens. Our country is multi-
ethnic, and its state problem - issues of language in society. Firstly, the problems relate to the use of
languages in formal and informal communication, language teaching in schools and universities and in
the relations between nations.
The aim of education at the present stage it is not only knowledge, but also the formation of key
competencies, which should give students the possibility of free movement for the future of the society.
They include the ability to communicate orally and in writing, it assumes ownership of several languages.
In our country we implemented a unique project initiated by the Head of the State - the trinity of
languages. The purpose of the project is to hold three languages competently: Kazakh as the state
language; Russian is the language of interethnic communication, and English as the international
The most important strategic objective in the education of Kazakhstan is the preservation of the
best educational traditions also providing school leavers with international qualifications of the
development of their linguistic consciousness, based on: to master the state, native and foreign languages.
Nowadays, a lot attention paid to state language, as it is the native language of the Kazakh people,
history and culture transmitted for centuries. The role of the Russian language is also important for the
citizens of our country. And this band stretches from the Soviet Union.
As we live in an era of innovation, progress, global modernization, the current generation of
Kazakhstan tries to keep up with changes in the world. And so, the task of the President to approach
international cooperation, thus learn the language spoken by the larger population of the planet.
Polylinguism is the usage of several languages within a given social community (especially the state);
usage of several languages by individual or group of people, where each language is selected in
accordance with the specific situation of communication[1,303].
Polylinguism - the major direction of culture of interethnic communication. The man, who knows
not only the native language but also the languages of other people, is able to communicate with more
people, to take up the material and spiritual wealth worked out by native speakers of other people.
In the period of globalization and technologization observed intensification of the search for
effective conditions, education of youth mechanisms, the ability is to communicate with other cultures.
The history of the company shows that the prosperity of society depends not only on the economy and
technology and even on the general culture, and the culture of the word. Indeed, the preparation of a
versatile specialist with a high level of culture is the main problem of education today. The realities of the
modern stage of society development, the language situation in multinational Kazakhstan with a long
history in which the people, nations, culture intertwined, now dictates the need to develop basic principles
and methodological approaches to formation of communicative linguistic personality.
In the message the President of Kazakhstan to the people in 2007, "New Kazakhstan in the new
world,", N.A. Nazarbayev noted that in order to ensure the competitiveness of the country and its citizens
proposed phased implementation of the cultural project "Trinity of languages", according to which we
need to develop three languages: Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of interethnic
communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy[3].
According to the President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan is unique and powerful by its
multinational. A unique multicultural space was formed on its land. Polyculture of Kazakhstan is a
progressive factor in the development of society. Eurasian roots of Kazakhstan people allow to connect
the Eastern, Asian, Western, European flows and create Kazakhstan's unique version of polyculture".
On behalf of the President, since 2013, there was introduced learning English from the 1
grade the
republic's schools. Within 5 years, these students will study subjects in English. By the time it is
necessary to prepare qualified personnel to carry out such work. Therefore, in previous years concrete and
effective measures have been implemented in universities for the preparation of polylingual teaching
staff. The new education model will be built on three languages. The Head of State puts the task to the
people of Kazakhstan in the short term.
Polycultural education in Kazakhstan at the moment is one of the most important areas in the
middle and higher education. Only education is the most important stage in the process of formation and
development of a polycultural personality, a stage when consciously formed the core values and
principles of life. It is able to provide the student with enabling environment that provides a harmonious
blend of universal humanist qualities of the person with the ability to complete the implementation of its
national, cultural, ethnic needs.
Knowledge of native, Russian and foreign languages broadens the mind of man, promotes their full
development, contributes to the formation and installation tolerance surround vision of the world.
Polylinguism is the basis for the formation of a multicultural identity. Polylingual person is a person
who speaks, understands and is able to use a foreign language in various situations of communication. If
you study a foreign language it does not mean that you get a good education. We can talk about
multilingual education when other academic subjects are taught in foreign languages, e.g. geography,
history of language, foreign literature, etc.
The concept of multilingual education was formulated for the achievement of the international
standard level to master several foreign languages. This concept implies the emergence of multilingual
person with a certain selection of the content, principles of teaching, developing a special process using
dictionaries, phrase books and educational materials, where it is possible to specify the similarities and
differences between the basic, intermediate and learning a new language. The new technologies of
training are necessary to ensure the identity of the content of learning second and third languages, starting
with the universal linguistic phenomena specific to proceed to the target language. Polylingual personality
is a model of "man, considered in terms of its readiness to make the speech acts, and create and work" in
three or more languages [2, 95].
Polylingual competence covers not only the possession of several foreign languages. Polylingual
competence is a possession of this system of linguistic knowledge, the ability to identify similarities and
differences in the linguistic organization of different languages, understanding of the mechanisms of
language and algorithms of speech acts, possession of metacognitive strategies and cognitive
development. Polylingual competence is not an indication of knowledge of specific languages, but a
single complex, often asymmetrical configuration of competences, which the user can rely on. It develops
methods and processes of learning foreign languages, and develops the ability to establish a dialogue and
helps to act well in new situations. Polylingual competence enables a successful operation and for self-
mastery of the basics of the previously unknown language, so polylinguism competence can be seen not
only as a possession of several foreign languages, but also as the ability to learn foreign languages,
willingness and ability to independently study foreign languages.
Speaking about polylinguism, we have also to mention about the tendency of expansion of the
English. Currently, worldwide English becomes widespread development. The area of active usage of the
English language is expanding. The people of the world are worrying about the expansion of the English,
expressed in implementation of English in other languages of the world.
Years of development of independent Kazakhstan show that bilingualism and polylinguism
society creates all the necessary conditions for progress and development. But it depends on well thought-
out language policy of President Nazarbayev and the government of national intelligence and ability to
develop the culture and preserve the history and language of the Kazakh people.
It is known that only the state can be successfully developed and is been harmonically in a number of
leading countries of the world that is able to create for its citizens decent working conditions for the
acquisition of high-quality and modern education.
1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Linguistics, 1998.
2. M.R. Kondubaeva. Scientific and historical bases of formation of speech-language and literature
teacher bilingual: summary of dissertation work of Doctor of pedagogical sciences - Almaty, 1995. - 339
3. http://www.akorda.kz.
Шохинова А.М. магистр
Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза
Мисюкевич В.И. к.э.н. доцент
Полтавский университет экономики и торговли
Стратегия Казахстана в аспекте Государственной программы развития образования в
Республике Казахстан, его модернизация, бесспорно, предполагают следование ряду общих
принципов, одним из которых является признание главенствующей роли образования в развитии
общества, что многократно повышает его ответственность за качество результата.
Известно, что только то государство может успешно развиваться и гармонично вписаться в
ряд ведущих стран мира, которое сумеет создать для своих граждан достойные условия для
приобретения качественного и современного образования.
Президент страны Н. А. Назарбаев поставил высокую планку перед отечественным
образованием. Оно должно стать конкурентоспособным, высококачественным, таким, чтобы
выпускники казахстанской школы могли легко продолжать обучение в зарубежных вузах.
Поэтому важнейшей стратегической задачей образования является, с одной стороны сохранение
лучших казахстанских образовательных традиций, с другой стороны, обеспечение выпускников
школ международными квалификационными качествами, развитие их лингвистического сознания,
в основе которого — овладение государственным, родным, и иностранными языками. В этой связи
понимание роли языков в современном мире с особой остротой ставит перед педагогами вопрос о
результативности обучения языкам и повышении уровня языковой подготовки детей [1].
Полиязычие — основа формирования поликультурной личности. Целями поликультурного
и полиязычного образования являются: воспитание поликультурной, формирование компетентной
личности студента, готового к социокультурному взаимодействию на государственном и других
языках; формирование человека, способного к активной жизнедеятельности в многонациональной
и поликультурной среде, обладающего развитым чувством понимания и уважения других культур,
умением жить в мире и согласии с людьми разных национальностей, рас и верований [2].
Аспекты овладения поликультурной языковой активностью:
Знакомство с иностранным языком предполагает знакомство с другой культурой, что
развивает личность, расширяет его кругозор.
Изучение языков, прежде всего, для использования их в бытовых ситуациях.
Применение своих знаний в каждодневной жизни.
Всё это создает благоприятные условия для продуктивной организации деятельности
студентов в условиях применения инновационных технологий обучения.
Полиязыковое обучение иностранным языкам на начальном этапе способствует
качественному изучению нескольких языков в будущем, что позволит продолжить свое
образование в зарубежных странах, сделать выбор в мировом образовательном пространстве.
В соответствии со стандартами образования Республики Казахстан начальный этап
обучения предоставляет наиболее благоприятные возможности для формирования у детей
коммуникативно-познавательных потребностей и интересов. Обучение языкам на начальном этапе
способствует приобщению детей к общемировой культуре, помогает становлению личности.
К примеру, для обучения иностранному языку особую ценность составляют
образовательные сайты, располагающие качественными аутентичными аудиоматериалами,
новостных программ и подкастов, посвящённых актуальным событиям и проблемам, а также
электронных версий книг и журналов [3]. Данные ресурсы эффективны при формировании
универсальных учебных действий, для развивая навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения и
письма. Аудио и видеоматериалы могут использоваться как на этапе введения нового материала,
так и для его отработки и закрепления.
Понимание роли языков в современном мире с особой остротой ставит перед нами вопрос
о результативности обучения языкам и повышении уровня языковой подготовки студентов.
Концепция развития образования в Республике Казахстан направлена на качественное обновление
форм и методов подготовки профессиональных кадров, квалификационно отвечающей
общемировым стандартам. Большое внимание при этом уделяется полиязычному образованию,
которое рассматривается как действенный инструмент подготовки молодого поколения к
жизнедеятельности в условиях взаимосвязанного и взаимозависимого мира.
Владение казахским, русским и иностранным языками становится в современном обществе
неотъемлемым компонентом личной и профессиональной деятельности человека. Все это в целом
вызывает потребность в большом количестве граждан, практически и профессионально
владеющих несколькими языками и получающих в связи с этим реальные шансы занять в
обществе более престижное как в социальном, так и в профессиональном отношении положение.
Языковая политика Казахстана выдвигает «разумную трансформацию языковой культуры
на основе равноправного использования трех языков: государственного, межнационального и
международного общения» и позволяет нам осуществлять постепенное вхождение в мобильный
мегакультурный мир [4].
Главная цель – это развитие поликультурной личности, способной на социальное и
профессиональное самоопределение, знающей историю и традиции своего народа, владеющей
несколькими языками, способной осуществлять коммуникативно-деятельностные операции на
трех языках во всех ситуациях, стремящейся к саморазвитию и самосовершенствованию.
Владение казахским, русским и иностранным языками становится в современном обществе
неотъемлемым компонентом личной и профессиональной деятельности человека. Все это в целом
вызывает потребность в большом количестве граждан, практически и профессионально
владеющих несколькими языками и получающих в связи с этим реальные шансы занять в
обществе более престижное как в социальном, так и в профессиональном положении. Разумное,
грамотное и правильное внедрение трехъязычия даст возможность выпускникам быть
коммуникативно-адаптированными в любой среде.
Библиографический список:
1. Государственная программа развития образования в РК до 2010 г. от
2. Концепция развития образования Республики Казахстан до 2015 года.
3. Бондаревская Е.В. Ценностные основания личностно-ориентированного воспитания:
Ростов-на-Дону, 2000.
4. Полат Е.С., Бухаркина М.Ю., Моисеева М.В., Петров А.Е. Новые педагогические
технологии в системе образования. - М.: Академия, 2000.
Aubakirova Gulbanu Tursunovna
Karaganda Economical University by Kazpotrebsouz
Multilingualism is becoming a critical factor in the modern multicultural world. In our country,
we study the Kazakh language - the richest and oldest in the Turkic languages of the world system;
Russian - in parallel with the functioning of the state language as a language of international
communication and English - the business language of the United Nations, the language of science and
one of the world languages. Governmnetal educational policy in the field of foreign language teaching is
based on the recognition of the importance of multilingualism in the territory of Kazakhstan. The idea of
formation of a multicultural identity has always had a place in the Kazakh folk teaching. As E.D
Suleimenova notes Multilingualism is undeniable and essential characteristic of the language situation in
Kazakhstan. It creates an active participation in the Kazakh, Russian, English and other languages.
Kazakh, Russian and English language competence is a natural reflection of the needs of practical and
professional knowledge of several languages to get a real chance to take a more prestigious social and
professional position in society [1].
Today, the issues of multicultural education in the field of education relevant. It is connected with
the formation of an independent state of the Republic of Kazakhstan, osoben¬nostyami ethnocultural
population and half a century of domination of a unified education system, which led to the alienation of
people from the history, language and culture of his people. Multilinguism - the basis of the formation of
a multicultural identity. Polylingual can call a person who speaks, understands and knows how to
communicate in different situations to use foreign languages. Learning a foreign language is not yet
talking about access to education. About multilingual education can talk in those cases, when studying
foreign languages taught are other academic disciplines, such as literature studied language, geography,
etc. [2]. Doctor of Education, Professor B.A. Zhetpisbayeva understands multilingual education as a
purposefully organized process of forming a multilanguage identity based on parallel mastering three or
more languages. [3]
The development of a multicultural and comprehensively harmonious personality is one of the
main goals of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Modern educational situation in Kazakhstan
requires not only fundamentally new cultural model description, but also put into practice innovative
educational paradigms. In this context, the problem of multicultural education today is more than
Polilingual personality - a multicultural personality. That is why a multicultural personality is
defined as "an individual with a strong linguistic consciousness". [4]. Formation of polilingual personality
- one of the main direction of development of multicultural educational environment.
According to President Nazarbayev, "Kazakhstan is unique and strong in its multiethnicity. On its
ground formed a unique multicultural space in which the two streams are leading. One reflects the revival
of the Kazakh culture and its constituent elements, language. There is an objective process of restoration
of the lost. Another thread - a Russian-language culture, which is based ancestral traditions of the Russian
people and all that they have absorbed during centuries of development. Recognition of their own existing
cultural flows have not denied their complementarity and vzaimoobogaschaemosti that does not mean
assimilation. Multiculturalism Kazakhstan - is a progressive factor in the development of society.
Eurasian roots of the peoples of Kazakhstan allows to connect the Eastern, Asian, Western, European
flows and create a unique multicultural development of the Kazakh version of "[5]. According to
V.V.Lezina, the emergence of multicultural education in Kazakhstan has the character of dialectical
development and is associated with the history of the Russian state. Schools with a multi-ethnic
composition of the students began to appear in the Russian Empire in the late XIX century. This was
facilitated by the rapid development of capitalism in Russia, the capitalist development of the peoples of
its member. National education policy in Kazakhstan was based on a humane basis, but with a focus on
Russification. This process unfolded in stages. Opening schools had a progressive significance. Many
Russian teachers for a long time, working in Kazakh schools, imbued with a deep respect for the Kazakh
people, began to study the Kazakh language. Attaching the population of the Russian culture, the teachers
take care of the national culture of the Kazakhs. After 1917, the number of such schools has declined
sharply, began to appear national schools. This was associated with the October Revolution, which led to
the disintegration of the Russian Empire and resulted in the creation of new independent states. In those
years, it took place the establishment and expansion of the national school.
New impetus for the growth in the number of schools with a multi-ethnic composition of the
students gave the Great Patriotic War. There were movements of large masses of people of different
nationalities from the western regions to the south and east of the Soviet Union. Already by the rear
spring of 1942 it was taken 7.417 million evacuated, including about 600 thousand people in Kazakhstan.
As part of the evacuees were thousands of students enrolled in those schools with a republic. As a result,
the bulk of the schools acquired the status of multi-ethnic.
The interest in multicultural education is due to the expansion of international cooperation,
strengthening the fight ethnic and racial minorities for their rights in the community with a multi-ethnic
Ideas of multicultural education originated in America in the mid-1960s and were called "multi-
ethnic education." However, a decade later, some researchers began to use in his work, the term
"multicultural education", which has become firmly established in the scientific revolution. The first
definition of the term "multicultural education" was given in the "International Dictionary of pedagogy"
in 1977 as "education, including the organization and content of the educational process, which represents
two or more cultures, characterized by linguistic, ethnic, national or racial". The aim of multicultural
education today is the formation of a person capable of active and effective life in the multiethnic and
multicultural environment, which has developed a sense of understanding and respect for other cultures
and the ability to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, races, beliefs and
religions. Multicultural education in Kazakhstan, based on the ideas of ethnographers (J. Artykbaev, YV
Bromley), historians (M. Kozybaev, M. Mukanov), social philosophers (JM Abdil'din, 3.Mukashev, AN
Nysanbaev), Ethnopolitology (I.Kusherbayev) ethnoculturology (Zh.K.. Karakozov, A. Seydimbek)
ethnopsychologists (N. Dzhandildin. KB Zharykbaev. Zh.I. Namazbaeva, VK Shabel'nikov)
etnopedagogov and social workers (J. Asanov KB Boleeva, SK potassium, KJ Kozhakhmetova) etc. [6].
Today, multiculturalism and multicultural education is determined by the state of the national
language education policy. Its principles are reflected in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
the Law "On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "On Education". Article №6 «Law on
Languages" states: "Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to freely choose the
language of education and training." [7].
The article №8 of the Law "On Education", emphasized the importance of "civic education and
patriotism, love for the Motherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for state symbols, veneration of
folk traditions ...; introduction to the achievements of world and national culture, the study of the history
of customs and traditions of Kazakh and other peoples of the republic "[8].Multicultural education - an
important part of modern education, promotes the assimilation of students’ knowledge about other
cultures, traditions, way of life, spiritual values of the peoples; education of youth in the spirit of respect
for other cultures and systems can increase ethnic identity of the next generation.
President NA Nazarbayev set sufficiently high standards to the national education. Education
must become competitive, high-quality. Thus, the graduates of Kazakh schools could easily continue their
studies in foreign universities.The objectives of multicultural education include:
• formation of ideas about culture and cultural diversity;
• introduction to the cultural values of the peoples living in Kazakhstan, formation of positive
value orientations to the Kazakh culture;
• formation of positive attitudes to cultural differences, to overcome the negative ethnic and social
• the development of skills of productive interaction with different cultures;
• formation of culture of international dialogue.
Gitihmaeva L.M. says that "multicultural education is not just a dialogue of cultures, linkages
between communities of people, but also communication, dive into the specifics of the other culture.
Ability to adequately respond to other manifestations of culture and at the same time to develop their own
personal culture, to enrich their spiritual world. Terms in modern Kazakhstan is ideal for training
multicultural identity, the purpose of which is to increase the level of their own culture as a whole: the
culture of communication, culture of speech, mental work culture".The content of multicultural education
is multidimensional and has a high degree of interdisciplinarity, which allows us to consider the problem
of multicultural education as part of humanitarian disciplines, the natural sciences, artistic and aesthetic
cycles and special courses on the history and culture of individual peoples.The criteria reflect the
principles of multicultural education are in the tutorial:
• reflection of humanistic ideas;
• feature original features and common elements in the cultures of the world's peoples and ethnic
groups in Kazakhstan;
• disclosure of the process of globalization, strengthening the interconnectedness of nations and
peoples in modern conditions;
• the allocation of multiple forms of communication and interaction of cultures.
Years of development of sovereign Kazakhstan show that bilingualism and multilinguism in
society not only does not prejudice the rights and dignity of the Kazakh language, but also creates all the
necessary conditions for its development and progress. But it depends on well thought-out language of
President Nazarbayev and State policies and the ability of the national intelligentsia to preserve and
develop the culture, history and language of the Kazakh people [2].In our view, multicultural education
activates processes, self-development, promote the development of mechanisms of reflection; directs the
activities of teachers to identify the subjects of the education of their most important needs and challenges
for the organization of the pedagogical process of interaction in which everyone has opportunity to reveal
personally-meaningful purpose of life; updated by the search means and forms of adaptation, protection
and support of the person information and practical; aimed at the development of tolerant personality
As a fundamental goal of teaching foreign languages becomes the formation of multicultural and
multilanguage person possessing the information, communication and intellectual needs, abilities and
competencies that will enable it to operate successfully in a cross-cultural communication and
professional linguistic activity as the subject of foreign language learning, foreign language
communication and foreign language creativity. Multilinguism and multilingual education - it is the
imperative of our time, as the entire world. Reasonable, good and proper implementation polylinguism
will enable graduates of our schools to be communicative and adapted to any environment[9]. The
development of a multicultural person who knows and respects the culture and traditions of other people
is very important for our country. Since Kazakhstan's future in the hands of our youth.
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