Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

vestigate). The coroner said that the witness (to interview

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

vestigate). The coroner said that the witness (to interview) and the 
suspect (to apprehend).
16. Mr. Green remembered that in September it (to be) 10 years 
since he (to work) as a judge.
17. I was told he (to leave) Moscow in 1983.
18. The clerk told us that the documents (to sign) the day be-
19. The solicitor was sure that he (to receive) the letter by the 
next day.
1. The document stated that magistrates (to have) insufficient 
power to deal with the defendant.
2. The judge said that the juvenile (to charge) jointly with adults 
and the case (to consider) in an adult court.
3. The driver didn’t know that it (to rain) since the previous day.
4. The solicitor was sure that the verdict (to give) by 6 o’clock.
5. The public was informed that the jury (to find) the accused 
guilty of committing a felony.
6. The judge knew that the lawyer (to receive) some very im-
portant information before the beginning of the trial.
7. It was announced that the solicitor (to represent) the ac-
cused before the court and a well-known barrister (to argue) that case.
8. We read that lay magistrates never (to take part) in the trial 
activities of the Crown Court.

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
9. The article said that trial courts (to bear) the main burden in 
the administration of justice.
10. The lawyer tried to prove that capital punishment (not to 
be) a deterrent to murderers.
11. We were told that the criminal (to sentence) to long-term 
imprisonment for an armed robbery.
12. It seemed very strange that neither the conviction itself, nor 
the severity of the sentence (to appeal against).
13. We found out that two days before the police (to commit
that case of robbery to the court for trial.
14. The newspaper article said that the number of thefts (to 

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