Сборник заданий по суммативному оцениванию по учебным предметам общего среднего уровня первая часть Нұр-Сұлтан 2020

Duration  20 minutes  Task 1. Listening

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20 minutes 
Task 1. Listening 
Listening B2: A digital detox podcast – 1. Choose the correct answer. 
Go to this link to listen: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/upper-
1.The radio host says that a digital detox ... 

means we are in front of screens all the time. 

is something younger people are trying more. 

is important for our health. 

2.Which sentence is not true about Amanda Vince's job? 

She is online a lot of the time. 

She follows fashion on social media. 

She uploads her own videos to social media. 
3.What is the name of the book that influenced Amanda? 

Log Off: How to Stay Connected After Disconnecting 

Log Off: How to Disconnect and Stay Disconnected 

Log Off: Advice for the Digital Detox 
4.The first step in a digital detox is to get rid of distractions, such as ... 

noises the phone makes. 

screens in your home and workplace. 

the bright colors on your phone. 
Speaking Task 2. Learners work in small groups (3-4 learners). Each group gets cards and they 
answer the questions demonstrating equal contribution to the discussion. Questions for 
discussion may be changed/ adapted by the teacher beforehand. There is no need to discuss 
every question. Learners can choose a couple of questions to discuss. Learners are encouraged 
to explain their answers and giving comments. 
This is as a group discussion. Answer the questions demonstrating equal contribution to the 
Criteria for speaking:

contribute equally to the group discussion;

give and explain your opinion; 

use active and passive simple forms; 

respond to questions by agreeing and/or disagreeing;

speak fluently. 
Possible questions for discussion.
Do you think virtual reality will be popular in future? Explain your opinion.
2. How are virtual reality and augmented/integral reality the same and how are they different? 
Which of the two technologies do you expect to be more popular in the future? Explain and 
support your opinion.
3. Do you think virtual reality and augmented/integral reality technologies can impact our 
social-emotional development or interpersonal skills? How and in what ways? Explain and 
support your point of view. 
4. Do you think parents should change the parental controls on virtual reality gaming 
systems? Or, should children be trusted to play what they like? Explain аnd support your 
You can use this vocabulary for discussion


Yes, good point. You’re right…

There are many reasons for …

There is no doubt about it that… 

I simply must agree with that… 

I am of the same opinion…

I completely/absolutely agree with … 

I see your point, but … I think so too..

I’m not so sure about that…

Yes, but … I couldn’t agree more…

Maybe, but the problem is that …

I am of a different opinion because …

I cannot share this / the view
Presenter: So, we're back in the studio. Welcome back, everyone. My name's Rick Walker. 
From our laptops to our televisions, from the displays on our smartphones to those on our 
satnavs, we are in front of screens all the time. Have you ever wondered what it would be like 
to disconnect completely? To choose not to have access to the internet? If you have, you may 
be in need of a digital detox – a total switch-off from all things digital. The idea of people 
taking a digital detox is becoming more and more popular, especially amongst young people – 
and today we're joined by someone who's tried a number of digital detox activities and is here 
to give us some advice about it. Amanda Vince, welcome to the studio. 

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