L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan The article considers the tradition of writing political lyrics of the 21st century from the point of view of literary trends. Political themes and motives based on modern Kazakh poetry were compared. Poetic compositions are characterized by inductive (contextual context) and deductive (contextual context). Also based on the composition, the political activity of the tropes and figures used in the work is analyzed. In addition, political images are divided into two groups, depending on how they are used in poetry. Two types of political motives are classified according to poetry and supported by scientific arguments. The positions of modern poets and creative laboratories, which give a new impetus to the modern literary process, are considered in unity.
ӘОК 801.731
Сулейман Демирель атындағы университет докторанты, «Тілдік білім беру» кафедрасының
магистр, аға оқытушысы, Қаскелең қ., Қазақстан, e-mail: gaziza.otarbayeva@sdu.edu.kz