magister of 1
cource, Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, e-mail:
The article reveals the features of the use of modern pedagogical methods of distance
education in the educational environment. The main feature of the distance education method is the
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
creation of an organizational and methodological environment, including computer information
sources, electronic libraries, video and audio libraries, textbooks and teaching aids, and
methodological literature. The components of such a system are trainees and teachers who interact
with each other using modern telecommunications facilities. A special feature of distance learning
is the ability to independently acquire the necessary student knowledge, provided through modern
information technology. The authors analyze the main advantages of remote programs, as well as
offer solutions to the main problems encountered in learning English. This article indicates the
basic prerequisites for creating a program. It was concluded that distance learning has proven its
productivity, but it cannot be an exceptional alternative to traditional learning, but, on the
contrary, should organically complement an existing educational system.
Keywords: distance learning; types of distance learning; advantages and disadvantages of
distance learning; remote program on English language.
The twenty-first century is a time of development and new discoveries in technology,
economics, science and education. At the beginning of the twenty-second century the popularity of
distance learning will increase doubly. For a long time, a large number of scientific figures were
involved in the development and improvement of this training system. From the correct
understanding of what distance learning is, the strategy, goals, and the learning process will depend
What is distance learning? According to Dr. Michael Simonson, distance learning is defined
as the official form of education in an educational institution where the group of students is divided
and where in the process of interaction between the teacher and the student, both with each other
and with various sources of information, various telecommunications facilities is used. However,
according to Michael Simonson, Sharon Smaldino, Susan Zvacek Susan in their book “Teaching
and learning at a distance”, we have some questions on the nature for which, they are easier to ask
than answer. So the question of what is distance learning, they refer to just this type of questions.
And there are two main reasons for this. First, the word “distance” implies a distance of various
kinds, such as geographic distance, distance over time and, possibly, intellectual distance. Secondly,
the concept of distance education was adopted for a huge number of programs for any category of
audience through a wide variety of media technologies [1].
As for A.N. Shchukin, he believes that distance learning is one of the most popular forms of
education in the world, which organizes “the learning process at a distance, provides for students to
independently complete training courses within the framework of different training profiles,
performance of control tasks, in-person (correspondence) assessment of results learning [2].
Based on these definitions, it can be said that the basis of any remote learning included:
1. distance in space, time and even on an intellectual level;
2. the availability of certain means by which the process of interaction between the teacher
and the student can be feasible [3].
Currently, the world has gained considerable experience in the implementation of distance
education systems. For example, about one million people study in the USA. The National
University of Technology in the USA, which is a consortium of 40 engineering schools, in the early
1990s provided training for more than 1,100 students using distance learning methods for a master’s
degree. Now, more than half of US universities use distance learning technologies for adult
education. Television is widely used. A public broadcast system has been created. The adult
education program includes courses in science, business, management.
For more than twenty years, the National University of Distance Education has been
operating in Spain. It was created by the Parliament in 1972 with the purpose of organizing higher
Вестник КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова ISSN 1608-2206 Серия филологическая, № 4, 2019
vocational education for adults at the level of undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. It
includes 58 training centers within the country and 9 – abroad. It is one of the institutions of the
Ministry of Education and is directly subordinate to the Secretary of State for Higher Education.
Particular attention is paid to improving the skills, in particular, secondary school teachers [4].
On the basis of research of the main and unique features of distance learning, as well as its
planning and forecasting, various typologies of distance learning began to form, which include and
take into account the level of learning distantness, its productivity, and individualization.
As the main typology of distance learning, you can take the concept of A.V. Khutorsky. In
his opinion, there are 4 types of distance learning:
1. The first type of distance learning is meant as auxiliary or additional for the traditional
form. Students, together with their teacher, interact with information that is distant from them,
various educational facilities, with students from other schools, and specialists in the areas under
2. The second type involves the independent interaction of the student / teacher with
teacher / student outside of school. This type is also considered as an additional one, but the main
goal is a more in-depth study of any subject.
3. The third type of distance learning is the main form, but it does not push aside the
traditional form. Here, training is divided in half: 50 per cent to 50 per cent, but to a greater degree
the preference is given to the remote form.
4. In the fourth type of distance learning, pupils or students are not tied to only one type of
distance learning or resource. In this case, it is a whole complex of subjects, each of which is
studied on different portals, resources, and programs [5].
The main feature of the distance education method is the creation of an organizational-
methodical environment including computer information sources, electronic libraries, video and
audio libraries, textbooks and teaching aids, methodical literature. The components of such a system
are trainees and teachers who interact with each other using modern telecommunications facilities.
A special feature of distance learning is the ability to independently acquire the necessary
student knowledge, provided through modern information technology in an information educational
environment [6].
Building an information and educational environment should be based on the following
pedagogical principles:
- openness: the possibility of free choice of information resources;
- multidimensionality: phenomena and processes are presented from different points of
- redundancy: students choose educational information from several proposed options,
critically evaluating it;
- dynamism: constant updating of information;
- preservation and accumulation of information.
In distance learning, the receiver of information is mainly the student, therefore, higher
demands are made on the quality of educational information and the means of its presentation.
Information "should not be accumulated only in one place, its distribution should have an island
character, which is due to the psycho-physiological features of information perception on the
computer" [7].
One of the main components of distance learning is an educational distance course, it is an
integrated tool for creating a learning environment, which includes three blocks: information-
educational and training, and communicative. The main requirements for the distance course: the
completeness and relevance of information materials, the diversity of their presentation, the use of
text format and multimedia elements (sound, video, animation).
Modeling the structure of a distance course is necessary taking into account a number of
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
1. The general structure of the distance course should include materials for various forms of
distance learning: video and audio lectures, multimedia lecture materials built on a modular basis,
seminars, workshops and virtual laboratory works with methodical recommendations for their
implementation, discussions, virtual simulators with methodical recommendations for their use,
dictionaries of terms, packages of test tasks for self-control and testing with verification of the
results by the teacher or automatically.
2. The distance course materials should contain guidelines and instructions for general
educational activities and for each stage of education.
3. The distance course should include a weekly planning of the student’s activities using a
synchronous distance model learning.
4. The distance course, within certain limits, should allow the learner to create their own
learning paths. The development of training courses focuses on independent work of students, their
collective creativity, conducting mini-studies at various levels. It is assumed the presence of a large
number of tasks designed for self-study with the possibility of receiving daily consultations.
The training course must meet the following requirements:
• cost-effectiveness: developing technology that allows create and update courses in a short
period of time;
• course interface, close to regular lectures that is associated with the traditional elements of
the educational process (the presence of the teacher, printed manuals, lecture hall, board); which
allows to facilitate the assimilation of educational material;
• in an interactive environment "student - computer - teacher" is emphasized attention to
figurative thinking. The presentation of educational material should reproduce the thoughts of the
teacher in the form of images. Obviously, visualization of thoughts, information, knowledge is
becoming a key element in educational technology of distance learning, which is achieved through
the use of such forms of organization of classes as video lectures, multimedia lectures, electronic
multimedia manuals, simulation models and computer simulators, videoconferences, computer
training and test systems [6].
• personalization of training to maintain the effect of personal contact trainee with a teacher
in educational activities using modern computer technology
• using group networking;
• the modular nature of the distance course allows you to design training programs for each
student taking into account their level of training and needs.
The positive characteristics of distance learning.
1. Economic profitability, openness and accessibility for all categories of population.
Economic efficiency is achieved due to the fact that the contingent of students does not require
expansion of the classroom fund and allows use technical training tools that are available
educational organization.
2. The effect of direct, verbal-visual contact of students with a teacher.
3. Software and hardware of a modern computer allows create hypertext, multimedia and
hypermedia learning tools, which, being concentrated in a single learning module, provide the
necessary content information. The advantage of using computers in education is the possibility of
interactive communication. Provided a feedback "student-teacher", without the effectiveness of any
form of education cannot be high.
4. The flexibility of distance learning is related to the ability to build individual educational
trajectory, the most convenient for learner at this time and specific life situations.
5. Modularity in building an educational program allows develop a curriculum that is
adequately coordinated with the student’s educational needs. An analogue of this in full-time
education is the individual curriculum of the student, which even within one academic year is often
difficult to implement without contradiction with the general curriculum.
Despite the positive characteristics of distance learning, one can name its cons too.
First, the difficult identification of distance learners, since at the present stage of technology
development it is quite difficult to verify who is taking the exam. However, universities that
Вестник КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова ISSN 1608-2206 Серия филологическая, № 4, 2019
implement education using distance learning technologies have found a way out of the situation in
the mandatory presence of the student in several exams with the obligatory submission of
documents proving his personality.
Second, the “genetic” lack of distance education is a restriction of direct contact between
teacher and student. It provokes serious problems as it is missing:
a) direct perception of learning material by the student;
b) the opportunity for direct discussion;
c) the teacher’s in-line control over the fulfillment of learning tasks [8].
When creating a language training program, it is necessary to take into account not only the
special characteristics of students, but also their level of language proficiency. To do this, you need
to clearly understand what levels there are and what grammatical, lexical, phonetic competencies
you need to own at this level. This scale consists of 6 basic levels of language proficiency:
1. Beginner.
2. Elementary.
3. Pre-Intermediate.
4. Intermediate.
5. Upper-Intermediate.
6. Advanced.
The curriculum "Practical course of the English language" is aimed at students, masters,
graduate students, as well as a wide range of people who seek to acquire knowledge in the field of
vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the English language.
The purpose of training in this course is the formation of a complex of theoretical
knowledge and practical skills necessary for the Pre-Intermediate level.
After completing the course Practical English Course (Pre-Intermediate Level), the learner
will master certain aspects of the main sections of foreign language teaching (grammar, vocabulary)
and certain types of speech activity. Grammar knowledge at the Pre-Intermediate level includes the
following topics: tenses and modal verbs. Vocabulary includes knowledge from about 1500 to 2000
thousand words and expressions. The Practical English Course program developed by us consists of
2 lessons, each of which is divided into the following sections:
• video lecture or presentation;
• grammar exercises;
• lesson test.
Video lecture and presentation are part of the program in order to clarify the necessary
grammatical and lexical material of the lesson. The lesson test is needed to control students during
mastering the material obtained. Each lesson is accompanied by a teacher’s video lecture, which
explains the basic grammatical rules and theoretical principles of the lesson, and two presentations.
The presentation of the grammar will consist of explanations and tables with examples on the topic.
The first part of each lesson will consist of grammar exercises of a different type on a specific
subject of the lesson. These exercises are aimed at consolidating the material obtained through
video lectures and presentations. At the end of each lesson, students are asked to take a control test,
which consists of 10 questions and includes the main components of all three sections of the lesson.
This test is both a means of consolidating the knowledge gained and a means of control.
Summarizing all the above, it is safe to say that the prospects for the development of
distance education are very high. Main purpose of distance learning is undoubtedly the provision of
quality and meeting the educational requirements of the preparation of students with its subsequent
development. The traditional form of learning has the same intentions, but is more problematic due
to time, high cost and distance. Presently the increasing demand for distance learning is not only
observed in Kazakhstan, but all over the world. Due to the distance form of training a person in
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
modern social and economic conditions, a real opportunity is given to replenish the ranks of
educated people. In other words, distance learning contributes to the professional self-development
of each individual at a suitable time.
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Б.М. Нагызканова
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