degree of acquaintance: friends often greet each other with the words Сәлем!, Сәлеметсiңбе!,
They emphasizes a respectful attitude to the addressee, such greetings can be heard among
colleagues, so the boss and the subordinate can say hello, and the subordinate will answer the same.
The given examples confirm the connection between the history and culture of the Kazakh
people and linguistic forms, which were formed as a result of the long historical development of the
In the Russian language the generally accepted neutral greeting formula is Hello, which
time immemorial in Russia it was customary to inquire about the health of the interlocutor, to come
with wishes of health. This was a sign of goodheartedness, a benevolent attitude towards the
interlocutor and a kind of pledge of emotional welcome on the part of the owners. Greetings Good
morning, Good afternoon, Good evening are not so common in modern Russian linguistic culture.
Initially, they were also a wish for good, but over time this value was practically lost, and today it is
preserved, perhaps, only in the communication of older people in formulas like Good day to you,
Good Day. The main purpose of these combinations is a greeting used by representatives of an
colleagues. This greeting is not typical for an official appeal to the public, in which case Hello takes
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
The next Russian greeting holding a strong position in the language is Hello. This is an
unofficial greeting, often used in various communication situations: between peers, with family,
between colleagues, friends, i.e. this greeting is typical for communicants connected by equal,
friendly relations.
The Kazakh people’s addressing formulas have their own specific features and distinctive
features related to the way of life and everyday life. In family and everyday communication,
referring to elders, younger ones use a vocal form of kinship terms, for example: aта (grandfather),
aпa (sister), әжe (grandmother, grandmother), әкe (father), aғa (older brother, uncle), женге
(aunt, daughter-in-law).
Parents, relatives or seniors in family and household communication address children and also
more young people, using words: айым (my moon), күнім (my sun), жұлдызым (my star),
шолпаным (my Venus), жаным (dear), қарғам (young daw), балапаным (chickabiddy),
көгершінім (pigeon), қозым (lamb), боташым (colt), торпағым (calf), etc. As can be seen from
the above-mentioned word-addressing, a feature of Kazakh appeals is the wide distribution of words
related to the names of baby animals and birds.
In Russian, the form of addressing associated with family relations implies the mention of the
family status of father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt.
The addressing related to the degree of friendship implies a simplification or stylized mutation
of the names Mikhail, Misha, Mikhon, Natalia, Natasha, Natusya, Tusya, etc., the formation of
derivatives on behalf of, surname or patronymic Pavlovich, Palych, Aleksandrovich, Sanych, etc.
There are also, as a rule, on the basis of friendly relations humorous options, in them the formation
is made on behalf of Arthur, Arturishche, Stepanovich, Stepan. On behalf of older people call each
other by name and patronymic Nikolai Petrovich, etc. In fatal communication, in the speech of
loved ones, in conversations with children, addressing is often accompanied or replaced by
periphrases, epithets with diminutive suffixes: Anechka, you are my bunny; darling, kitty, swallow,
etc. National and cultural traditions prescribe certain forms of addressing to strangers. They are
appropriate to addressing to a young man or girl only if it is age appropriate.
You can apply by profession or occupation, for example, to a doctor – a doctor, a nurse – a
sister, and for a scientific rank –
a professor. Recently, often in a relaxed colloquial speech, when
referring to an unknown woman, the word lady is used, but when referring to a man, the word
mister is used only in an official, semi-official, club atmosphere.
A diverse set of language means makes it possible to choose a form of communication that is
appropriate for the speech situation and favorable for the person you are talking to, establish a
friendly, laid-back or, conversely, official tone of conversation. Formulas of speech etiquette are
part of the national culture, requiring a certain form of behavior, a certain set of signs and values,
which are used when interacting with different people. The speech communication is one of the
means of expressing discourse, determined by the event context, psychological, social, national
characteristics of the participants in communication. The discourse is inseparable from real life, in
it, as in a mirror, reflects the experience of communication of the people. The customs and
traditions of the people, which are transmitted from generation to generation in the form of various
norms of behavior and represent a productive interaction with representatives of foreign cultures,
play a large role in such communication.
Thus, the study of linguistic representations of etiquette formulas of addressing and greeting
in the linguistic and cultural aspect in Kazakhstan is determined by the appeal to lively speech of
Kazakhstanis, native speakers of the Kazakh and Russian languages. In addition, the study of the
functioning of etiquette formulas of addressing and greeting in the multicultural environment of
Kazakhstan is confirmed by the use of an integrated approach based on the polyparadigmality of
Вестник КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова ISSN 1608-2206 Серия филологическая, № 4, 2019
modern linguistics, the possibility of using the results of the study in work to strengthen
intercultural communication.
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А.И. Маликова
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