Шаблон оформления статьи для публикации в электронном научно-образовательном и прикладном журнале «Инженерный вестник Дона»

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Ключевые слова: FADEC, конструкция двигателей, CFD (Вычислительная гидродинамика), алгоритмы, машинное вычисление, моделирование.

Abstract: The conceptual design of aircraft engines is a complex and multidisciplinary process that includes the definition of requirements and the search for optimal solutions at a high level of abstraction. The design process is interconnected with geometry and performance, and current models used at the conceptual level are limited to simple equations that predict design properties such as maximum power or weight. These models do not provide detailed geometric or operational information that could help engineers make more informed decisions about the architecture of the aircraft.
Optimization of aircraft engines involves making changes to the design and operation of the engine in order to improve its efficiency and operational characteristics. Methods such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and wind tunnel testing are often used to model and analyze various design options. In addition, advances in materials and manufacturing processes can also play a role in optimizing engine performance.
Engine optimization is necessary to improve the performance and efficiency of aircraft engines. By optimizing the design and operation of the engine, we can:
1. Increase the thrust and power output, which can improve the flight performance of the aircraft and fuel economy.
2. Reducing fuel consumption and emissions, which can help reduce operating costs and reduce the environmental impact of aviation.
3. Improve the reliability and durability of engines, which can reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
4. Compliance with the requirements of the new rules and standards regarding aviation emissions and noise pollution.
5. Competitiveness in the aviation industry by developing more advanced and efficient engines.
Overall, engine optimization can lead to significant cost savings and improved performance for aircraft operators, as well as environmental and public health benefits.

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