Walt Disney's "Snow White" is part of the Disney Gold Collection. The tale of the most beautiful in the world has become the most beloved among readers.
While working on the translation of this work, I encountered insignificant difficulties, if you do not take into account the fact that I read this tale in the Arigenal exactly as I wrote it аuthor Few people know that many of the works of the Brothers Grimm known to us in aregenal are not so kind and sweet
This is what made the translation difficult, because the original used words that are difficult to translate and words that are not understood by Russian speakers
‘Tell me, glass, tell me true! Of all the ladies in the land, Who is fairest, tell me, who?’ And the glass had always answered: ‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all the land.’ Thou, queen, art fair, and beauteous to see,But Snowdrop is lovelier far than thee! - in the original, the words of the stepmother sound like this
Although the translation sounds like: my light is a mirror, tell me who in the world is all sweeter than everyone is more beautiful and skill
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