Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

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Your answer


Tell me about yourself

 A classic opening question.

Tell me about your last job

 Seeking perspective and detail.

Tell me about your career so far

 Seeking patterns and themes.

Please describe a typical day

 Looking for what really happens.

Tell me about your ideal job

 Looking for key motivation.


What do you know about our company?

Show your interest

Why do you want to work for our company?

Show your interest

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Be optimistic

What interests you most about this job?

 Show your motivation.

What salary do you expect?

Show your dignity.


What has made you successful?

 Examples and reasons for success.

What is your greatest strength?

 What you think you're good at.

Tell me of a time when things went really well

 ...and it was more than luck.

What have you done that you are proud of?

 Motivation and concern for self.

Why should I employ you?

 Show fit and motivation.

What would you do if you got the job?

 Strategic and tactical detail.


What are your weaknesses?

 Admit non-important weaknesses.

What skills would you like to develop?

 Motivation and new areas.

Tell me about when something you did didn't work

 Coping with failure.

What do you find difficult?

 Show you can handle difficulties.

How do you approach risks?

 Show foresight and planning.

What have you done that you are not proud of?

 Exposing shame and values.

Have you ever lost your job?

 Show positive attitude.


Can you work under pressure?

 Demonstrate control and fortitude.

What annoys you?

 Show control and calm.

How do you handle stressful situations?

 Show that you are calm under fire.

How do you handle criticism?

 Positive learning or robust response.

How do you respond to change?

 Contribution, collaboration, leadership.

Have you ever had to dismiss someone?

 With sensitivity and due process.

Have you ever been fired? Why?

 Demonstrate that you are an honest person


How do you work in teams?

 Leader, follower, collaborator -- as appropriate.

How do you handle conflict?

 Show emotional maturity in mediation.

What sorts of people do you not get on with?

 Make it a bad person.

Tell me about a time when you influenced someone else.

 Show subtle changing of minds.

What do you do when you disagree with others?

 Manage emotions.

What do you think about your manager?

 Show you're a good employee.

Tell me about the best manager you had

 Describe good management. 

Exercise 8. Below there is a list of questions for social work job applicants. Read them and say which group from the exercise above they belong to. Then think how you can answer them. Can you single out one more group(groups)?

1. Why do you want to work on this position? ______________

2. What do you hope to accomplish as a social worker? ____________

3. Why did you decide for this specific filed of social work, and not for another one? _______________

4. Why should we hire you for this position? _______________

5. What characterize a good social worker from your point of view? ___________

6. What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as a social worker? ______

7. Why do you want to work here, and not at another, competing institution?____

8. What do you consider to be your major successes and accomplishments in your last job? Who did help you the most to achieve them? _____________

9. What was your biggest failure in social work so far? ____________

10. Where do you see social work (or a particular field of it) heading in the future?_

11. What would your former colleagues say about you? ____________

12. Think of an aggressive/angry client from the past. How did you deal with the

situation? ______________

13. Think about conflict situation form your last job. How did you solve the conflict? _____________

14. Describe a situation when you did something more than expected from you in job. ______________

15. There are always cases we can do nothing about. Describe such a case from your experience. What have you tried before giving up on the case? ____________

16. What is your opinion about young generation? ___________

17. What do you consider good topics for a talk with seniors? ____________

18. How would you get closer to our target group? ______________

19. If a client did not understand a simple language you used, what would you do? _____________

20. Are you ready to make home visits? ____________

21. Are you prepared to work overtime? ______________

22. Here is a problem we have. Prepare a solution and describe it to us. You have ten minutes for preparation. ______________

23. What are your salary expectations? ______________

24. When are you able to start? ________________

25. Do you have any questions? _______________

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