Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Russian

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Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. The established new employee selection and evaluation process includes a job interview, a review of the candidate’s application, completion of an application. 2. She takes her responsibilities as a teacher very seriously. 3. Women's rights have been specified in numerous legislative acts: on basic rights and liberty, the vote, participation in administration, access to education, job promotion, security, equal wages, social protection, equality in the family, etc. 4. Please provide updated information on employment statistics for persons with disabilities, distinguishing between the open labour market and special employment. 5. Many job applicants do not know how to write an appealing cover letter. 6. "A lot of mistakes I see are a lack of cover letter, and an objective statement on the resume that is all wrong for the job opening, " says Lindsay Olson, partner and recruiter at Paradigm Staffing. 7. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally. 8. I have already submitted your résumé to Human Resources as a lab assistant at the testing company. 9.  The first step in a job search is to prepare an up-to-date CV. 10. He looked at her résumé, asked her a few questions, and then offered her the job. 11. They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions.


1.What will you start with if you want to find a job?

2. What is the most effective method of looking for a job:

- surfing web-sites?

- asking friends and acquaintances about possible vacancies?

- visiting companies?

- sending as many e-mails as you can to different organisations?

- sending your CV only to selected organisations?

3. What are the main documents that you prepare to be employed? Match column A with column B.




An application form is used to collect relevant and required information from an applicant. For a lot of businesses, the application form itself is a minor test of the individual's ability to follow instructions, penmanship, literacy, and communication skills.

Cover letter

A resume is a formal document that provides an overview of your professional qualifications, including your relevant work experience, skills, education, and notable accomplishments.

Application form

A cover letter is a document you send with your CV (traditionally as the front cover).

However, it differs from a CV in that instead of being a written overview of your skills and experience, it’s specifically written with the job you’re applying for in mind – allowing you to highlight certain areas you think would make you right for the role.

4. Study the information about the difference between CV and resume and think which kind of document you are going to prepare? Why?



A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a longer document that details the whole course of your career. A resume is used for job search, a CV—for academic purposes.

A resume is a one- to two-page document presenting key facts about your professional experience, educational background, and skills.

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