Стилистика как наука. Предмет и задачи стилистики

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1/ Figures of quantity: hyperbole, understatement, litotes.
2/ Figures of quality
metonymical group: metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, allusion.

  1. List 6 key concepts of the lecture you think the main


  1. Read the definition of the key concepts and guess what they are

the use of a word, a word-group or a sentence which exaggerates the real degree of a quantity of the thing spoken about

consists in lessening, reducing the real quantity of the object of speech.

a specific variety of understatement consisting in expressing the lessened degree of quantity of a thing by means of negation of the antonym that expresses the positive idea but in a somewhat lessened degree.

the use of a single characteristic to identify a more complex entity.

a variety of metonymy. It consists in using the name of a part to denote the whole, or vice versa

a description of an object instead of its name

a brief reference to some literary or historical event commonly known.

the use of the name of a historical, literary, mythological or biblical personage applied to a person whose characteristic features resemble those of the well-known original.

    1. Read the examples in the chart, define the type of the figure

He’s as big as a house!
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!

It’s not impossible.
I’m not unhappy.
He is not unlike his dad

“It isn’t very serious. I have this tiny little tumor on the brain.”

    1. Read the extracts, define the figure of speech and explain the effect caused

There was an Old Man of Coblenz, 
The length of whose legs was immense;
He went with one prance, 
From Turkey to France,
That surprising Old Man of Coblenz.
hat is the poem about?

What do you see?
What do you feel?
What’s unusual with the hero in the poem? Are his qualities exaggerated or lessened?
What is the effect of such stylistic device?

  1. The girls were dressed to kill. 2. Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old. 3. She was a giant of a woman. Her bulging figure was encased in a green crepe dress and her feet overflowed in red shoes. She carried a mammoth red pocketbook that bulged throughout as if it were stuffed with rocks. 4. "No. I've had a profession and then a firm to cherish." said Ravenstreet not without bitterness. 5. I wouldn't say "no" to going to the movies. 6. We danced on the handkerchief-big space between the speak-easy tables. 7. She was a sparrow of a woman. 

    1. Read and define the metonymy examples. Explain their meaning

  1. The White House says that …

  2. The truck hit me (my car) from behind.

  3. The press has made my life hell.

  4. Today, we will be performing Shakespeare.

  5. The Pentagon has made an announcement.

  6. I didn’t like that book. 7) He has brains.

    1. Read and define the periphrasis examples. Explain their meaning

  1. «Delia was studying under Rosenstock — you know his repute as a disturber of the piano keys». 2. The hospital was crowded with the surgically interesting products of the fighting in Africa. 3. I understand you are poor, and wish to earn money by nursing the little boy, my son, who has so prematurely deprived of what can never be replaced.

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