II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following: убирать комнату, стелить постель, мыть посуду, засорение
окружающей среды, поколение, разрыв между поколениями,
плата, которая взимается за обучение, жить в грязи,
самостоятельно мыслить, подавлять, заразиться тифом,
испортить каникулы, сознательный риск, идти на сознательный
риск, кстати, не могла бы ты.
Ш. Answer the following questions. l. What is it that the parents don't realize until the children come
from college for Christmas?
2. What question does the mother ask her daughter after a couple of
days? 3. Why does the girl believe she doesn't have to clean up her
room? And why is she not used to doing it?
4. What does her father fear?
5. What was he heard saying in the morning?
6. What shows that the girl looks down upon her parents and
believes herself to have a wider scope of mind?
7. What are the parents concerned with under the cir cumstances?
8. How does the girl supposedly use the time saved from not doing
things every normal person does?
9. What makes the girl feel hurt?
10. Why is it hard for the mother to realize the girl is an adult?
11. In what way does the girl think her generation differs from the
older one?
12. What would humoring her parents mean to the girl?
13. What terrible discovery does the mother make toward the end
of the conversation?