Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

understood its importance for her work

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understood its importance for her work.
1. is read
2. is reading
3. had read
4. was reading
5. have read
36. How often___L uke___ the famous TV
talk show "Psychologist" last year?
1. did/watch
2. was/watching
3. has/been watching
4. has been watched
5. has/watched
37. Don't forget that the child is still very
weak. You ___ give her only light and
nourishing food.
1. must
2. should
3. ought to
4. can
5. should have to
38. Professor N .___his students at this
time tomorrow.
1. has examined
2. is examined
3. examined
4. was examining
5. will be examining
39. All the complaints___with in this
respectable company.
1. was dealing
2. are dealt
3. is dealt
4. is dealing
5. was dealt
40. What tim e___y o u ___ the film director
1. were/met
2. are/met
3. have/met
4. did/meet

5. are/meeting
41. I s ___able to ask the right question at
the right time, I wonder?
1 . anybody
2. something
3. somebody
4. anything
5. nothing
42. Most of my colleagues___my interest
in arts.
1. are sharing
2. share
3. have been sharing
5. had shared
is known about his private life.
1. No
2. A few
3. Many
4. All
5. Little
44. Secretary: Customers___up all
morning complaining about getting
incorrect bills.
1. rang
2. were rang
3. had rang
4. ring
5. have been ringing
4 5 .1 ___alway s ___ my keys.
.1. am/lost
2. was/lost
3. am/losing
4. have lose
5. having lost
4 6 . _only thing for you to do now is to
. -
2. That
3. This
4. The
5. An
47. Our advisor___any exams yesterday.
1. doesn't announce
2. didn't announce
3. hasn't announced
4. isn't announced
5. wasn't announced
4 8 .1 ___Christmas presents long before
the event came.
1. was buying
2. am buying
3. have bought
4. buy
5. had bought
49. W hat___y o u ___ at 5 tomorrow?
1. have/done
2. did/do
3. will/be doing
4. were/done
5. had/done
50. His report___ju st___ discussed by the
1. does/discuss
2. has/been discussed
3. did/discuss
4. is/discussing
5. is/discussed
51. H e ___his wallet himself, i t ___ .
1. might lose, couldn't have stolen
2. could have lost, must have not been stolen
3. couldn't lose, is lost
4. ought to lose, shouldn't be stolen
5. may have lost, can't have been stolen
52. In more than 200 years the USA
Constitution___26 times.
1. is amended
2. are being amended
3. have been amended
4. has been amended
5. was being amended
53. Mr. Smith used to work in London, but
later he and his wife moved t o ___another
1. a
2. the
3. -
4. an
5. this
54. Our softw a re___when Max
encountered a bug.
1. is checking
2. is being checked
3. is checked
4. was being checked
5. was checking
55. The results of the exam ___only in two
1 . 
2. are announcing
3. announce
4. were announcing
5. will be announced
56. Frankly, I do v ery ___research. I
prefer to focus on the practical side, so to
1. little
2. a few
3. few
4. a little
5. many
57. What sort of problems___the
researchers___in trying to devise a single
measure of system’s efficiency?
1. have/encountered
1. W hen___y o u ___ your thesis?
1. are/defended
2. have/defended
3. was/defended
4. did/defend
5. were/defended
2 .1 think you will fin d ___you need to
know in this report.
1. everywhere
2. everything
3. somewhere
4. nowhere
5. anywhere
3 .1 assure you that your complaint__
scrupulously___with at the moment.
1. were/considered
2. are/encountered
3. have been encountered
4. had been encountered
5. were/eneountered
When they came and found what _
by the soldiers of Pharaoh they became
1. will have been done
2. is being done
3. had been done
4. have been done
5. has been done
1. aren't solving, are solving
2. haven't solved, had solved
3. don't solve, are solving
4. aren't solved, haven't solved
5. won't solve, solve
6 0 . 
______ history' o f ___ last 10 years shows
that they have succeeded much in this field.
1. a, the
2. the, the
3. -, the
4. the, a
5. a, a
’№ 3
2. is being/considered
3. does/consider
4. is/considering
5. was/considered
4 . 1 think the policeman was right. She
shouldn’t ___the speed.
1. have exceeded
2. exceeded
3. exceed
4. have to exceed
5. had to exceed
5. The scientists of our laboratory___the
project by next year.
1. will realize
2. realized
3. have realized

4. had realized
5. will have realized
6. W e___our skills during our lifetime.
1. are developed
2. has developed
3. have been developed
4. are being developed
5. develop
7 . 
______ I spoke to seemed very friendly.
1. Everyone
2. Nothing
3. Anything
4. Something
5. Nowhere
8 . 1
_short seminars and several
conferences while in London.
1. had been attended
2. am attended
3. was attended
4. have been attended
5. attended
9 . 1 think i t ___all night. And it hasn't
stopped raining yet.
1. had rained
2. rains
3. has been raining
4. rained
5. is raining
10. Are you going to the main office? - No,
I ___already___ there. Now I want to see
the manager.
1. was/being
2. am/been
3. have/been
4. was/been
5. am/being
11. There i s ___time left. Hurry up.
1. a few
2. few
3. any
4. little
5. many
1. are being worked
2. worked
3. work
4. have been working
5. are worked
13. Paintings by an unknown artist___at
the museum these days.
1. are being exhibited
2. have exhibited
3. is exhibiting
4. exhibited
5. exhibit
14. It is only in recent years that w e ___
about the processes of abstraction.
1. were being learned
2. are learned
3. were learned
4. are being learned
5. have been learning
15. Next Friday at 5 sharp I ___my
1. was meeting
2. have met
3. am met
4. shall be met
5. shall be meeting
1 6 .1 started playing squash six years ago.
So, I ___it for six years.
1. will be playing
2. played
3. played
4. have been playing
5. am playing
17. The explorers___all the objects before
they come to a final conclusion.
1. are inspecting
2. had been inspected
3. will have inspected
4. were inspecting
5. have been inspected
18. Next Saturday midnight I ___at a night
1. shall be danced
2. shall be dancing
3. have danced
12. T hey___in the garden since morning.
But they haven't finished their work yet.
for it for 20
4. was dancing
5. danced
19. My friends___at the Disco club for
two hours by 10 p.m. tomorrow.
1. are dancing
2. will have been dancing
3. will dance
4. have danced
5. dance
20. Unusual circumstances___widespread
media attention last weekend.
1. was drawing
2. were drawn
3. drew
4. have drawn
5. are drawn
21. Every day companies___people.
1. have employed
2. has been employed
3. have been employing
4. employ
5. are employing
22. The Navy officials say that the dolphins
___in salt water holding tanks.
1. have kept
2. are keeping
3. will keep
4. will be kept
5. will been kept
23. Y ou___this remark. I am sure he felt
1. didn't need to make
2. can't make
3. mustn't make
4. needn't have made
5. needn't make
24. You had better set your alarm if you
expect___wake up on time.
1. to be able to
2. could
3. be able to
4. to can
5. to may
25. The war broke out in 1914. The
European ruling classes
1. would prepare
2. prepare
3. would have been preparing
4. prepared
5. had been preparing
26. By two o’clock the students___the test
translation for three hours.
1. will have been doing
2. do
3. be doing
4. are doing
5. did
27. The c h ie f ___ the right man for the
1. is found
2. founded
3. found
4. is founded
5. is finding
28. When I ___back they___ dinner.
1. am getting, have had
2. was getting, were having
3. got, were having
4. am getting, are having
5. am got, are had
2 9 .1 don't travel on business very often. I
take on ly___business trips a year.
1. a few
2. much
3. little
4. a little
5. few
3 0 .1 heard h e ___from the expedition.
1. is returned
2. is returning
3. had returned
4. returns
5. has returned
31. He i s __easily recognized figure in ___
academic community.
1 . th e ,a
2. a, a
3. an, the

4. the, an
5. the, the
32. The question___important principally
because of some latest discoveries.
1. has become
2. is become
3. was become
4. has been become
5. become
33. Another ten years and y o u ___all about
1. will have forgotten
2. are forgotten
3. will be forgotten
4. were forgotten
5. have been forgotten

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