Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using Gerunds

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Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using Gerunds:
a) as subject or predicate:
(He liked 
to read 
books.) His favourite pastime w a s ____. - His favourite pastime was reading
o r
Reading books was his favourite pastime.
1. (Why 
into every detail?). I think it’s no u s e ___ . 2. (Now you 
strict hours o f
meals). ___must do you a lot o f good. 3. (We could not 
get in 
that night.) All tickets were sold out,
there was n o ___. 
(I see you are going 
to assemble 
your bicycle.) Is it worth w h ile ____so long
before the beginning o f the season? 5. (It was so pleasant 
to be 
free and alone.) What I enjoyed
most in that quiet corner after the noise o f the city and the strain o f the last two months w a s ___. 6.
(I didn’t expect 
to find 
you there.) It was quite unexpected ___. 7. (He liked 
to collect 
stam ps.)___ was a hobby with him. 8. (When one 
without paying attention to the language,
oneself o f great intellectual p leasu re.)___i s ____. 9. (Did he realize what risks he was
running when he tried 
to land 
the plane on such a small clearing in the wood?) He knew only too 
well th a t___ was risky but there was no alternative.

as a non-prepositional object:
1. You should a v o id __. 2. He h a ted ___ . 3. lh e book is worth . 4. She doesn t seem to
mind ___ . 5. I don’t think he remembers ___ . 6. I don’t r e g r e t___ . 7. Do you mind ___ ? 8.
Everybody e n jo y ed ___ . 9. They d e n ie d ___ . 10. He never m entio n ed ___ . 11. Andrew deserves
. 12. The data n e ed s___ . 13. The biggest problem i s ___ . 1 4 .1 don’t mind most homework but I
can’t stan d___ . 15. My job as a tourist guide involves___ .
c) as a prepositional object:
1. He never thought o f __. 2. The girl is very clever at ___. 3. I don’t insist o n ___ . 4. Does
anyone object t o ___ ? 5. His friends accused him o f ___ . 6. If you seriously want to save money,
you’d better give u p ___. 7 . 1 am not used t o ___ . 8. Nobody suspected us o f __ 9. He is quick in
10. We were tired o f __ . 11. Who would have thought him capable o f ___ . 12. Did you
succeed i n ___ ? 13. Who is responsible f o r ___ ? 14. Don’t insist o n ___ . 15.1 am tired o f ___ . 16.
The scientists think o f ___ . 17. The graduate succeeded i n ___ .

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