Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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science to lead us to new achievements. 

successful development o f

Complex Subject with the Infinitive
Exercise 2. 
1. are assumed; 2. seem; 3. happed; 4. is likely; 5. is sure; 6. is expected; 7. seemed; 8. 
is thought; 9. is reported; 10. turned out; 11. are supposed; 12. is believed; 13. seem; 14. seemed;
15. is likely; 16. is said.
Exercise 5. 
1. It is likely to affect further course o f events. 2. Solution o f this problem is known to 
depend on many factors. 3. The work is expected to be completed this month. 4. Biology is most 
likely to take the dominant place among other sciences. 5. He is considered to represent opinions of 
the majority o f scientists. 6. He is said to have made great contribution to solution o f this problem.
7. He seems to have lost any interest in this issue. 8. The laboratory members are believed to be 
working at a new project. 9. The Greeks are known to invent first lens. 10. This method is not 
reported to give the expected results. 11. He is sure to be one o f the leading scientists in chemistry.
12. Their efforts were not reported to give any results. 13. It is certain to be a scientific innovation. 
14. The results o f the research are likely to arouse some scientists’ doubts.
For + Noun + Infinitive Construction
Exercise 5. 1
. It is difficult for me to argue about it. 2. It is important for them to support the theory 
with additional experimental data. 3. It is important for physicists to keep in touch with biologists.
4. It is necessary for a person to learn from his own experience. 5. It is often difficult for us to 
predict our future. 6. It is necessary for the experiment to be completed in due time. 7. The first 
thing for us to do is to collect all the data. 8. The question was too difficult for me to answer. 9. I 
have underlined these sentences for you to analyze. 10. This text is easy for us to translate it without 
a dictionary. 11. It would be unreasonable for him to give up the research now. 12. It is difficult for 
us to say what the result will be. 13. It was not easy for them to follow this rule. 14. It is necessary 
for you to maintain contacts with this laboratory.

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