Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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6 . 1 wish I ___give up smoking.
1. will
2. could have
3. can't
4. can
5. could
7. Look___! There's a car coming.
1. out
2. up
3. on
4. at
5. off
8. The children___thirsty. They haven't
had a drink for hours.
1. will be
2. are able
3. have to be
4. had to be
5. must be
9. Great Britain is separated from the
continent b y ___English Channel.
1 , -
2. an
3. the
4. a
5. this
10. I am not free now. I ___ an
international conference.
1. has arranged
2. arranged
3. am arranging
4. arranges
5. arrange
11. When I ___old newspapers 1 came
across with the article on the problem
under investigation.
1. am looking through
2. looked through
3. look through
4. was looking through
5. were looking through
12. W h at___h e ___ to do after defending
your dissertation?
1. do/go
2. am/going
3. does/go
4. is/going
5. are/going
1 3 .1 ___ to the library tomorrow.
1. shall go
2. has gone
3. are going
4. were gone
5. is going
14. Do you th in k ___rich should pay more
1. that
2. a
3 . -
4. an
5. the
1 5 .1 can't h elp __at her.
1. laugh
2. am laughing
3. laughs
4. laughed
5. laughing
16. If Tom really loved Jane, h e ___her to
marry him.
1. would asked
2. will ask
3. asks
4. would ask
5. asked
17. "Let me have a look. I can't se e ___."
1. nothing
2 . nobody
3. anything
4. something
5 . none
18. What would you do if a millionaire _
you to marry him?
1. would ask
2. asked
3. should ask
4. had asked
5. asks
19. At this time tomorrow I ___at my
1. worked
2. shall be working
3. have worked
4. work
5. has worked
20. They___my work at this time
1. am analyzing
2. have analyzed
3. were analyzing
4. are analyzing
5. analyze
2 1 .1___my report w hen my friend phoned
1. has written
2. w'ere writing
3. wrote
4. was writing
5. am writing
22. The teacher__a new grammar by the
time I came.
1. explains
2. are explaining
3. is explaining
4. had explained
5. explain
23. W hat___y o u ___ at 5 o'clock
1. have/done
2. Are/doing
3. did/do
4. were/doing
5. was/doing
24. The experiment is expected___useful
1. to give
2. have given
3. gave
4. gives
5. give
25. W e ___him more than an hour and
finally left.
1. get o ff
2. at last
3. put on
4. found out
5. waited for
26. My friend___his thesis next week.
1. will defend
2. defends
3. are defending
4. defended
5. have defended
27. Members of our laboratory___the
experiment at noon tomorrow.
1. finish
2. finishes
3. will be finishing
4. finished
5. is finishing
28. The speaker___already___ all the
1. did/answer
2. have/answered
3. has/answered

4. was/answering
5. is/answering
2 9 .
1 ___my summary by the time you
1. shall have written
2. write
3. am writing
4. has written
5. m ites
 He succeeded in ___reliable results.
1. obtained
2. to obtain
3. obtaining
4. obtains
5. has obtained
 Scientists___about a new field of
research at their meeting yesterday.
1. talks
2. talk
3. talked
4. was talked
5. has talked
 The members of the laboratory---- an
experiment the day before yesterday.
1. made
2. are making
3. make
4. was making
5. were made
3 3 .1 __my first interview tomorrow.
Wish me good luck.
1. am taking
2. have taken
3. take
4. took
5 . takes
3 4 .1 _my English exam at the moment.
1 . takes
2. took
3. am taking
4. have taken
5. take
They___with the problem because its
study hasn't been approved as yet.
1. won't deal
2. aren't deal
3. hasn't dealt
4. isn't dealing
5. am dealing
36. The graduate___periodicals in the
library yesterday.
1. has looked through
2. is looking through
3. looked through
4. have looked through
5. looks though
3 7 .1 ___go to the shops today. There is
plenty of food in the house.
1. must
2. needn't to
3. needn't
4. may
5. can't
38. My frien d ___graduate level courses in
1. am taking
2. have taken
3. take
4. are taken
5. is taking
39. Yesterday w e ___some new articles to
1. gives
2. are given
3. is given
4. w ere given
5. w as given
40. Professors of your University___their
papers annually.
1. publishes
2. is publishing
3. has published
4. am publishing
5. pub lish
41. A watermelon i s ___than a lemon.
1. n o t so sw eet
2. sw eeter
3. as sw eet
4. sw eet
1 4 0
5. more sweeter
42. The secretary___all the documents
before the meeting began.
1. prepares
2. is preparing
3. were preparing
4. had prepared
5. prepare
43. W e___to discuss the results of our
experiment at the meeting.
1. went
2. go
3. have gone
4. am going
5. are going
44. It wasn't very polite___him to leave
without saying ‘good bye.
1. for
2. about
3. to
4. on
5. of
45. Are you going to the planning
committee? - No, I ___already___ there.
1. do/go
2. am/going
3. have/been
4. has/been
5. did/go
46. She___well since she started the
1. isn't sleeping
2. doesn't sleep
3. hasn't slept
4. haven't slept
5. weren't sleeping
47. We'll get in touch with you as soon as
h e ___.
1. arrive
2. is arrived
3. arrives
4. arrived
5. will arrive
4 8 .1 ___to speak English well next year, if
I work hard.
1. can
2. must
3. could
4. may
5. will be able
4 9 . _this task one must have all the
necessarv equipment.
1. To fulfill
2. Fulfilled
3. Had Fulfilled
4. Fulfills
5. Has fulfilled
50. He is su re___in solving this problem.
1. are succeeding
2. is succeeding
3. succeeds
4. has succeeded
5. to succeed
51. They___the planet thoroughly before
the others have a chance to land.
1. will have explored
2. explore
3. exploring
4. is exploring
5. explores
52. My scientific advisor___me by this
time tomorrow.
1. will have consulted
2. am consulting
3. consults
4. is consulting
5. had consulted
53. It is too difficult___this problem so
1. settles
2. settle
3. settling
4. is settling
5. to settle
54. You will inform me when you complete
the experiment,___?
1. aren't you
2. did you
3. isn't you

4. haven't you
5. won't you
55. "What qualifications do you have?"
I want to know ___.
1. what qualifications do you had
2. what qualifications you have
3. if what qualifications you have
4. what qualifications do you have
5. what qualifications did you have
56. Professor X .___lectures next month.
1. delivering
2. am delivering
3. delivered
4. delivers
5. will deliver
57. My supervisor wants m e___my
attention on one problem.
1. to focus
2. is focusing
3. focused
4. focuses
5. are focusing
58. By the time I came, the results of the
1. will analyze
2. analyze
3. is analyzing
4. had been analyzed
5. analyses
59. Our purpose i s ___an answ er to the
unsolved problem.
1. to give
2. gave
3. has given
4. gives
5. have given
60. After I ___my paper I gave it to my
scientific advisor to check.
1. am completing
2. completes
3. had completed
4. is completing
5. complete
Read the text and study the key words and
phrases below. For each key word or phrase,
you will see fo u r associations o f it. Write
down the number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) o f the
relevant association.
In theory, the American political system is 
the end result o f the democratic principles on 
which the United States relies. In practice, 
however, many citizens and political pundits 
are liable to consider the system to be corrupt 
and ineffective. In 1992, only 55% o f eligible 
voters actually cast their votes. Free and fair 
elections are a part o f American democracy. 
But most observers are bound to say that the 
system o f electing public officials is to be 
completely re-invented.
61. The US relies on certain democratic
1. The US depends on certain democratic 
2. The US considers certain democratic 
3. The US rests on certain democratic 
4. The US develops certain democratic 
5. The US contradicts to certain democratic 
62. A citizen is a person w h o ___.
1. lives in a particular city or town
2. lives in or belongs to a particular city 
(town, country) and has voting and other 
rights there
3. enjoys civil rights
4. cites
5. doesn’t break the law o f the country
63. A pundit i s ___.
1. a mobster
2. a bandit
3. an expert
4. a print journalist
5. an official
64. An eligible voter is 

person w h o ___.
1. wants to vote
2. can vote/be voted
3. has voting
1 4 2
4. has a choice
5. arranges voting

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