Учебно-методическое пособие, составленное по дисциплине «Домашнее чтение»

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Уч-метод. пособие по Дом. чтению

Assignment № 4 
Retell the text on the part of: 1) the Nightingale; 2) the girl; 2) the young man. 
Assignment № 5 
Analyze the comparative construction in the following sentence: 
“The Nightingale pressed closer and closer and louder and louder grew her song”. 
Look through the text and find out the comparative constructions.  
Assignment № 6 

Follow through the text how the author describes the appearing of a red rose. What 
does the writer compare the colour of the rose with? 

Follow through the text how the song of the Nightingale was changing. What did she 
sing about at the beginning of the night and at the end of it? 

Find in the text the sentences which prove that life was very dear to the bird but she 
thought love to be more important. 

Do you think the young people were really devoted to each other? Did the red rose 
really mean a lot to the girl? Use the text to prove your answers. 
Assignment  № 7 
Discuss the following statements: 

Comment on the proverb: "There is no rose without a thorn." 

What kind of people to your mind can make a sacrifice for the sake of others? Can you 
give examples? 

Is true love worth sacrificing? 

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