Учебно-методическое пособие, составленное по дисциплине «Домашнее чтение»

Exercises and Assignments on the Text

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Уч-метод. пособие по Дом. чтению

Exercises and Assignments on the Text 
Assignment № 1 
Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them 
in the sentences of your own: 
Энергичный человек 
На днях 
К своему изумлению 
Найти кого-то вместо меня 
До сих пор 
Признаки переживания 
Губы дрожали 
Скопить небольшую сумму денег 
Становилась дороже с каждым днём 
Ни одного магазина 
Его осенило 
Со всех сторон 
В течении недели 
Нанять управляющего 
Приобрёл не менее 10 магазинов 
Подписать документы 
В том-то и беда 
Не поверил своим ушам 
Assignment № 2 
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them 
in the sentences of your own: 
wear smth,  
be appointed,  
have something un pleasant to say,  
fulfil ones duties,  
find out smth,  
neither… nor…,  
with a heavy heart, 
live on smth; 
occur to smb,  
think smth over,  
be a success,  
have a rough idea of smth,  
a striking thing idea,  
to ones astonishment,  
do well,  
invest money in smth.
Assignment № 3 
Questions on the text: 
1 For how long had Edward Foreman worked at St. Peters Church? 
2 What did the verger think of the new vicar? 
3 What had the vicar become aware of? 
4 Did the vergers face betray any emotions at first? 
5 Did it really make no difference for him that he had to leave his position? Give your 
6 What caused his idea to open a tobacco shop? 

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7 “He thought the matter over from every point of view.” What do you think he may have 
8 His business was a success, wasn’t it? Prove it. 
9 How did Foreman accept the idea of investing his money? 
10 What was it that made the banker jump up from his seat? 
Assignment № 4 
True or false 
1 The vicar said that the verger hadn’t done his job properly that’s why he had to dismiss him. 
2 Foreman promised to start learning to read. 
3 The verger was a very reserved person and didn’t show how offended he was by the vicars 
4 The sum of money Edward had saved was enough to live on and he didn’t worry about 
5 Edward didn’t smoke that’s why when he needed a cigarette he began looking for a 
6 The new business brought Foreman no profit and he thought of giving it up. 
7 Mr. Foreman hid it from the banker that he couldn’t read and followed his advice. 
Assignment № 5 
Discuss the following: 
1 “Its strange how things come to you when you least expect it.” Comment on this phrase. 
Has the same ever happened to you? Speak about it. 
2 Describe how the verger’s feelings and emotions have changed since the moment he was 
awaiting the new vicar. 
3 Mr. Foreman was a promising businessman. Why do you think he said he would be a verger 
if he had been able to read? 
4 “ I’m too old a dog to learn new tricks.” What did the verger mean saying these words. Do 
you agree that there’s an age limit for starting a new life? 
Assignment № 6 
Retell the text on the part of:  1)Mr. Foreman, 2) the banker, 3) Edwards wife. 

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