VI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Согласно полученным данным, строительство шоссе в этой области
невозможно. 2. из-за частой поломки компьютера задание не было завер-
шено вовремя. 3. чтобы найти нужную информацию, мне пришлось про-
смотреть много литературы. 4. Несмотря на новейшее оборудование, учё-
ным не удалось получить хорошие результаты. 5. в дополнение к учёбе в
Зак. 2008
институте, он работает охранником по ночам. 6. джордж вашингтон был
первым президентом США. 7. Теория дарвина об эволюции человека была
новым шагом в науке. 8. Ступив на луну, Нейл Армстронг сказал: «Это
маленький шаг для человека, но огромный прыжок для человечества».
9. С помощью компьютера можно выполнять сложные вычисления за мил-
лисекунды. 10. Роман «война и мир» был написан великим русским пи-
сателем Толстым л.Н. 11. «после дождя приходит ясная погода», – гласит
английская пословица. 12. Температура на южном полюсе зимой обычно
50° ниже нуля. 13. буква Q стоит после буквы P и перед буквой r. 14. паб-
ло пикассо родился в 1893 году в испании. 15. переведите эти слова с
русского языка на английский язык. 16. Когда мы были на юге, мы оста-
навливались в маленьком отеле на берегу моря. 17. Как далеко отсюда до
аэропорта? 18. Мужчина вышел из машины и направился к дому.
VII. Переведите английские пословицы и дайте русский эквивалент.
объясните смысл пословиц по-английски. Проиллюстрируйте упот-
ребление одной из пословиц в конкретной ситуации.
1. After rain comes fair weather.
2. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.
3. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
4. Between two stools one falls to the ground.
5. A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
6. Man doesn’t live by bread alone.
VIII. Прослушайте и прочитайте следующие шутки. Назовите предло-
ги. инсценируйте шутки.
1) remarque, the well-know German writer, was talking to an American girl
in Berlin. She asked him in German why he had never visited the United States.
He answered that he knew only a few sentences in english.
“what are these sentences?” asked the girl.
“How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. Ham and eggs,
please” said remarque.
“why!” cried the girl. “with that vocabulary you could tour my country
from Maine to California”.
2) А little boy on a bus was sneezing. An old woman sitting next to him
didn’t like it. After several disapproving looks she said at last: “Boy, do you have
a handkerchief?”
“Yes, madam”, answered the boy, “but I can’t lend it to strangers”.
IX. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски предлогами, если это не-
Mr. Sellyer’s bookshop is across the street ... my house. It is situated ... a tall
modern building and it is quite famous. It is always full ... people.
I often go ... there to look for new books. He has a lot ... different books ... his
shelves. when I go ... Mr. Sellyer’s shop I usually stay there ... a few hours.
... that day while I was looking for the books I was watching Mr. Sellyer at
work. I shall describe some ... his methods ... you.
A lady came ... the shop and asked for a book. Mr. Sellyer showed “Golden
dreams” ... her and said, “The readers are fond ... this book.”
Another lady entered ... the shop. She was ... black. Mr. Sellyer also gave her
“Golden dreams.” “It’s a beautiful book,” he said, “... love, very simple but sad.
My wife cried all the time reading it.”
“Have you any good reading ... vacation time?” asked the next customer.
Mr. Sellyer recommended “Golden dreams” once again. “The most humorous
book ... the season,” he said. “My wife laughed every minute reading it. It’s her
favourite book now.”
It was four o’clock, time to go home. But when I was leaving ... the shop I
asked Mr. Sellyer, “do you like the book yourself?” – “I have no time to read
every book.” – “what about your wife?” – “I am not married,” answered Mr.
Sellyer smiling.
(After Stephen Leacock)
test 7
1. he usually leaves home early ... the morning and comes back late at
A. with
C. from
B. in
d. at
2. I’m going to visit my friend ... the end of August.
A. in
C. since
B. by
d. at
3. ... last summer we spent our holiday in Spain.
A. –
C. in
B. at
d. on
4. they were living in this house ... 1991 to 1998.
A. in
C. down
B. from
d. since
5. She got married ... the age of 18.
A. on
C. from
B. with
d. at
6. he achieved good results ... his hard job.
A. in order to
C. due to
B. according to
d. because
7. What’s the name of the sea ... england and France?
A. among
C. from
B. between
d. of
8. Mr. Mc. Cartney came to London … business.
A. with
C. on
B. for
d. at
9. the weather is so nice today, let’s go ... the country.
A. at
C. into
B. in
d. to
10. We spent two lovely weeks ... the seaside.
A. on
C. in
B. among
d. at
11. the english people look forward ... spending their holidays in France.
A. from
C. at
B. behind
d. to
12. the students ... my college like to take part in sport competitions.
A. by
C. from
B. of
d. at
13. A real name ... Mark twain was Samuel Clemens.
A. at
C. of
B. with
d. by
14. ... the english lesson the students read texts and do a lot of exercises.
A. on
C. after
B. during
d. before
15. the englishmen usually have tea ... five o’clock.
A. at
C. since
B. by
d. in
16. Never put off ... tomorrow what you can do today.
A. on
C. before
B. till
d. over
17. british pubs are famous ... their traditional kind of beer called “real
A. of
C. for
B. at
d. by
18. All the calculations were made … a computer.
A. in order to
C. by means
B. by means of
d. according to
19. the tourists continued their way ... rainy weather.
A. because of
C. instead of
B. due to
d. in spite of
20. I can look ... your baby while you go shopping.
A. after
C. for
B. before
d. on
НАСТоящее ПРоСТое вРеМя
I. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple. Переведите предло-
жения на русский язык и объясните употребление Present Simple.
1. our classes usually (to begin) at 8.30 a.m. 2. Their son (to attend) a private
school. 3. My father (to like) to fix his car. 4. The Germans (to discuss) business
before dinner, but the French (to do) it afterwards. 5. The englishman (to prefer)
his own house to an apartment. 6. My english friend (to live) in Liverpool.
7. every weekends we (to go) to the country. 8. The students (to have) three
lectures every day. 9. In england traffic (to keep) to the left, but on the continent
it (to keep) to the right. 10. The Americans usually (to say) “Hi” when greeting
friends. 11. Mary often (to read) fashion magazines. 12. Her elder brother (to
want) to enter the economic college. 13. englishmen (to celebrate) Christmas on
december 25
. 14. The students (to stand up) when a teacher enters the room in
russia. 15. The streets (not to have) names in New York, they (to have) numbers.
16. The term “Googol” (to denote) “one” with 100 zeroes.
II. Составьте предложения, обращая внимание на позицию наречия.
My parents
Young girls
old people
our teacher
His boss
The students
every week
as a rule
take a shower.
goes to the discos.
gives us a lot of homework.
go to the country.
go to bed and get up early.
like to get flowers.
rains in November.
arrange meetings.
speaks Spanish and Italian.
write computer tests.
calls home.
III. опишите ваши ежедневные дела, используя наречия always, usually,
often, sometimes, rarely, never.
О б р а з е ц: eat breakfast.
I usually eat breakfast at home.
1. drink coffee in the morning. 2. put sugar in my coffee. 3. drink orange juce
in the morning. 4. have a sandwich for lunch. 5. leave the house at 9 o’clock.
6. eat dinner at the cafe. 7. get to the classes on time. 8. take a taxi to the University.
9. drive to the University. 10. study in the library. 11. do my homework.
12. watch TV or video in the evening.
IV. дополните предложения, употребите отрицательную форму гла-
гола Present Simple.
О б р а з е ц: I speak english, but…
I speak english, but I don’t speak French.
1. Tom speaks Spanish, but … .
2. Jane likes coffee, but … .
3. I like swimming, but … .
4. Mr. and Mrs. Forester have a son, but … .
5. estella plays piano, but … .
6. My brother drives a car, but … .
7. our teacher knows Italian, but … .
8. Vegetarians eat vegetables, but….
V. Составьте отрицательные, утвердительные и вопросительные пред-
ложения согласно образцу.
О б р а з е ц: a) we watch TV every day.
b) we don’t watch TV every day.
c) do you watch TV every day?
1. a) She likes classical music.
b) …………………………
c) …………………………
2. a) …………………………
b) My friend doesn’t drive a car.
c) …………………………
3. a) ………………………...
b) …………………………
c) does he earn a lot of money?
4. a)………………………….
b) I don’t eat meat, I’m a vegetarian.
c) …………………………
5. a) we go shopping every day.
b) …………………………
c) …………………………
VI. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительных слов в скоб-
1. The train leaves at 10 o`clock in the morning (when). 2. den studies at
oxford University (where, who). 3. we usually buy newspapers in the morning
(what, who). 4. It often rains in autumn (when). 5. old ladies like to sit by the fire
(who, where). 6. In Britain most shops close at 5.30 p.m. (when, where). 7. They
keep their car in the garage (whose, where). 8. The students of the Humanitarian
Institute learn two foreign languages (how many, who). 9. Tom gets to school by
bus (how). 10. My grandma lives in the country (where, whose). 11. we usually
have three lectures every day (how many, who). 12. Mr. Black often goes on
business trips (who, where).
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Как правило, студенты сдают экзамены два раза в год. 2. поезд при-
бывает ровно в девять, не так ли? 3. по выходным мы иногда играем в тен-
нис. 4. Он редко ездит на работу на машине. 5. Раз в неделю они обедают
в ресторане. 6. Где живут твои родители? 7. Она хорошо говорит по-фран-
цузски? 8. Когда погода хорошая, я люблю ходить на прогулку. 9. Мы не
изучаем немецкий язык, мы учим английский. 10. Мне требуется два часа,
чтобы сделать домашнее задание. 11. Она всегда приходит вовремя. 12. Её
муж часто ездит в командировки? 13. Англичане обычно проводят отпуск
во Франции. 14. по воскресеньям я регулярно навещаю своих родственни-
ков. 15. земля вращается вокруг Солнца, те так ли? 16. Мясо замечатель-
но пахнет! Как ты его готовишь? 17. Ты часто звонишь своим родителям?
18. Она теперь редко путешествует. 19. Они никогда не ездят на такси.
20. Кем вы работаете? – я возглавляю рекламный отдел фирмы.
VIII. Переведите английские пословицы и дайте русский эквивалент.
объясните смысл пословиц по-английски. Проиллюстрируйте упот-
ребление одной из пословиц в конкретной ситуации.
1. Still waters run deep.
2. dog doesn’t eat dog.
3. don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
4. Fortune favors the brave.
5. Tastes differ.
6. Love conquers all.
7. A good beginning makes a good ending.
IX. Прослушайте и прочитайте следующие шутки. Назовите глаголы в
Present Simple. инсценируйте шутки.
1) T o m: what time do you get up in summer?
J o h n: when the first rays of the sun come into my room.
T o m: oh, it`s very early.
J o h n: Not very, my window faces west.
2) B r i d e: what do you give to your husband, when he doesn’t like
o l d l a d y: His coat and his hat.
X. Прочитайте текст. ответьте на вопросы по тексту. Составьте рас-
сказ о своём рабочем дне.
My name is Tom. I’m a student and every day I’m very busy. I usually get
at seven o’clock. I open the window, make my bed and do my morning exercises.
Then I wash and dress. In half an hour I’m ready for breakfast, my mother does
it for me. After breakfast I put on my hat and coat, take my bag and go to the
University. Classes begin at eight. As I live near my University I always walk
there. we usually have three lectures every day. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon
the school is over. I come home, have my dinner, wash up and have a short rest.
At 5 o’clock I sit down to do my homework. It usually takes me two hours to
do my homework. Sometimes I play on the computer or visit my friends in the
evening. At 8 o’clock I have supper. After supper our family get together in the
living-room where we talk, read newspapers and books and watch TV. At eleven
o’clock I go to bed.
1. when does Tom usually get up?
2. who cooks breakfast for him?
3. How does he get to the University?
4. How many lectures does Tom have every day?
5. How long does he do his homework?
6. what does he do in the evening?
7. what time does he go to bed?
8. does Tom have a really busy life?
XI. Прочитайте интервью. возьмите подобное интервью у своего
Interviewer: Hello, Fred. My name is Nancy. I am a student newspaper
reporter and I want to ask you some questions about your usual working day.
Fred: Hello, Nancy. My name is Fred. I am a second-year student.
Interviewer: what time does your working day begin?
Fred: It depends. Sometimes I get up at 6 and leave home at 7, sometimes I
stay in bed much later.
Interviewer: what time do your classes begin?
Fred: At 9 o’clock and are over at 3 o’clock.
Interviewer: what do you usually do after classes?
Fred: oh, I go the the gym or to the swimming pool.
Interviewer: do you ever go to the cinema?
Fred: Hardly ever. I have a lot of video films and I prefer to watch them at
Interviewer: You like russian films, don’t you?
Fred: Yes, I do.
Interviewer: when do you prepare for classes?
Fred: I normally do my classes late in the evening.
Interviewer: what time do you go to bed?
Fred: I never go to bed before midnight.
Interviewer: Thank you, Fred.
ПРошедшее ПРоСТое вРеМя
I. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple. Переведите предложе-
ния на русский язык и объясните употребление Past Simple.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt first (to meet) in 1966. 2. He looked very busy when I
(to see) him last night. 3. Tom (to make) a good translation of the poem two days
ago. 4. John Kennedy (to become) a President of the USA when he (to be) forty-
three. 5. I (to speak) to our professor five minutes ago. 6. My friend (to buy) a
new mobile phone yesterday. 7. I (to get) two letters from my parents last week.
8. Leonardo da Vinci (to live) in Italy in the 15-16 century. 9. einstein (to get)
Nobel Prize for the outstanding discoveries in Physics. 10. e. Presley (to change)
the face of American popular culture by his songs. 11. elizabeth II (to become)
the Queen of the U.K. in 1952. 12. Madame Tussaud (to learn) the art of wax-
modeling in France. 13. They (to take) a taxi and (to come) to the party early.
14. Bill Gates (to found) a Microsoft Company in 1975.
II. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Past Simple.
1. robert usually (to drive) to work, but yesterday he (to walk). 2. Tom
and Frank (to play) tennis at weekends, but last weekend they (to go) surfing.
3. My parents often (to watch TV) in the evening, but yesterday they (to listen)
to music. 4. Ann usually (to leave) home at 8 o’clock, but yesterday she (to
leave) at 7. 5. our football team always (to win) games, but last time it (to lose).
6. The students usually (to write) notes at the lecture, but last week they (to
make) a presentation. 7. Laura usually (to come) home from work at 6 p.m., but
yesterday she (to come) at 8 p. m.
III. дополните предложения, употребите отрицательную форму глаго-
ла в Past Simple.
О б р а з е ц: we went to the shop, we … … to the library.
we went to the shop, we didn’t go to the library.
1. I worked on Monday, I … … on Sunday.
2. He drove a car, he … … a lorry.
3. She wore a nice dress at the party, she … … jeans.
4. Jack learned French at school, he … …. english.
5. The students wrote a test, they … … an essay.
6. I drank tea in the morning, I … … coffee.
7. we bought a dVd, we … … a note-book.
8. I told you the truth. I … … you lie.
IV. Составьте вопросительные предложения из следующих слов. от-
ветьте на вопросы.
1. wake up / you / when / yesterday / did?
2. did / yesterday / what time / get up / you?
3. you / morning / do / did / exercises / your?
4. leave / did / home / you / when / yesterday?
5. how / you / get / did / the college / your / to?
6. hours / many / stay / at college / you / how / did?
7. after / did / the college / you / go / where?
8. watch TV / you / did / at night /or /video?
9. time / to bed / go / did / you / what?
V. Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.
1. The conference finished at five o`clock. 2. we went to the night club
yesterday. 3. I passed my exam in english well. 4. His parents bought a cottage
in 2005. 5. our family moved to a new flat last year. 6. My friend invited me to
her birthday party. 7. I got up late yesterday, as it was a day-off. 8. The tourists
stopped to have a rest, as they were tired. 9. Mary began to study english at the
age of seven. 10. we went to the park, as the weather was fine. 11. The Browns
came to live here two years ago. 12. I saw this man somewhere before. 13. The
secretary made tea for the chief five minutes ago. 14. The day before yesterday
my colleague found some interesting information in the Internet.
VI. дополните строчки стихотворения, соблюдая рифму. Назовите не-
правильные глаголы. Напишите рассказ под заголовком bad Luck.
bad Luck
I overslept and missed my train,
Slipped on the pavement in a heavy … .
Spraind my leg, skinned my knee,
Broke my glasses, lost my … .
Got stuck in the elevator, it wouldn’t go,
Kicked it twice and hurt my … .
Bought a pen, that didn’t write,
Took it back and had a … .
went home angry, locked the door,
Crawled into bed, couldn’t take any … .
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. вчера я встретил своего школьного друга. 2. в прошлом году мы не
изучали немецкий язык. Мы изучали английский. 3. Студенты сдавали три
экзамена и пять зачетов в прошлом семестре. 4. Когда вы начали работать
в этой фирме? – два года назад. 5. погода была хорошая, и мы поехали в
город. 6. Где вы были час тому назад? я искал вас повсюду. 7. Они решили
провести лето в испании. 8. Мэри получила образование в Оксфордском
университете. 9. я не понял, что вы вчера сказали мне. 10. Глория работала
фотомоделью, не так ли? – да. 11. На днях моя подруга праздновала день
рождения. 12. я не сказала тебе правду, поскольку не хотела тебя расстра-
ивать. 13. Они показали нам свой сад, и мы хорошо провели время. 14. Где
вы провели прошлый выходной день? 15. Они познакомились в 2000 году,
не так ли? 16. я вернулась домой в девять часов вечера.
VIII. Переведите английские пословицы и дайте русский эквивалент.
объясните смысл пословиц по-английски. Проиллюстрируйте упот-
ребление одной из пословиц в конкретной ситуации.
1. Curiosity killed the cat.
2. The course of true love never did run smooth.
3. He who pleased everybody died before he was born.
IX. Прослушайте и прочитайте следующие шутки. Назовите глаголы в
Past Simple. инсценируйте шутки.
1) Y o u n g l a d y: what did you hear in the opera yesterday?
o l d l a d y: oh, lots of things. They say, that Mr. Smith became a
bankrupt, Ms. Brown got married and the whites are going to divorce.
2) w i f e: well, my dear. why don’t you eat soup?
H u s b a n d: But I don’t like it.
w i f e: Yesterday you liked it, the day before yesterday you liked it and
suddenly today you don’t like it.
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