Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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A responsible applicant 
Employer to applicant: "In this job we need someone who is responsible." Appli-
cant: "I'm the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I 
was responsible." 
The boss called one of his employees into the office... 
The boss called one of his employees into the office. "Rob," he said, "you've been 
with the company for a year. You started off in the post room, one week later you were 
promoted to a sales position, and one month after that you were promoted to district 
manager of the sales department. Just four short months later, you were promoted to vice- 
chairman. Now it's time for me to retire, and I want you to take over the company. “What 
do you say to that?" 
 "Thanks," said the employee. 
 "Thanks?" the boss replied. "Is that all you can say?" 
"I suppose not," the employee said. "Thanks, Dad." 


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