Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

  Open the brackets, putting the verbs into correct form (Past Simple or

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14.  Open the brackets, putting the verbs into correct form (Past Simple or 
Past Continuous): 
1.  Why Drink That Whisky? 
A Scotsman … (go) into a pub in London and … (ask) for a glass of his favorite 
Unfortunately, they … (not have) any. 
The barman … (propose) another whisky. 
“Look,” he … (say), “this one is recommended by King George V, King George VI, 
Edward VI and Edward VII.” 
“I’d rather not drink that,” … (say) the Scott. “Those men are all dead.” 

2.  Harry ... (carry) a large grandfather clock on his shoulder.  He … (deliver) it to a 
customer. He … (can not) see what … (be) on his right hand side and he ... (knock) over 
an old lady who … (look) in a shop window.  
"I'm very, very sorry," … (say) the man. 
"Idiot!" … (shout) the old woman. "Why can't you wear a watch like everybody 
3.  An old pirate … (sit) in the bar. He … (smoke) a pipe and … (drink) a glass of 
rum. He … (wear) an eye patch and he … (have) a parrot on his shoulder and a wooden 
leg. Instead of his right hand, he … (have) a metal hook. A young sailor … (chat) with 
the pirate and he … (ask) him about his adventures at sea.  
     ‘So, how … you … (lose) your leg?’, the young man … (ask) the pirate.  
     ‘Arrr! ,’ … (say) the pirate, ‘You see, some sharks … (circle) the ship when I … (fall) 
overboard. Luckily, my men … (pull) me back onto the ship before the sharks … (eat) 
me completely, but one of the sharks … (get) my leg.’  
     ‘And how about the hook on your hand? How … you … (lose) your hand?’  
     ‘I … (board) a ship when another sailor … (cut) off my hand with a sword.’  
     ‘That’s amazing! What a life full of adventures!’ … (say) the young man. ‘And how 
about your eye? How … you … (lose) that?’  
      ‘I … (eat) a grapefruit when the juice … (go) into my eye.’  
      ‘But I don’t understand. How … you … (lose) your eye from the grapefruit juice?’  
     ‘Arrr!’ … (say)  the pirate, ‘it … (be) my first day with the new hook.’ 

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