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2. Read the text and discuss it:
The Ethics of Human Enhancement 
Recent scientific advancements 
increasingly allow humans to improve 
everything. Soon enough technology 
could allow people to make them-
selves “better than well” by using en-
hancements such as brain modifica-
tions to increase memory, intelli-
gence, or even create new capacities. 
Benefits might also include living for 
much longer, becoming more attractive or altering people's appearances. But questions 
remain about what ethical issues these opportunities create. 
Humans have always sought to improve themselves throughout their lives. Some of 
the more familiar methods include education, exercise, or a good diet. So what, if any-
thing, distinguishes these accepted methods of enhancement from those that cause moral 
concern, such as using drugs or genetic modification? 

One argument commonly used to challenge the value of human enhancement is this: 
The means by which people achieve their goals in life matter. In other words, if a per-
son uses a technological shortcut to achieve a goal, that choice may decrease the accom-
plishment's value. For instance, if a mountaineer reaches a summit using a helicopter 
rather than by physically climbing the mountain, that undermines the achievement's 
Closely related is the ethical question, raised about certain psychopharmacological 
substances, such as antidepressant medications. This argument holds that some uses may 
be morally undesirable forms of enhancement because, essentially, they transform the pa-
tient into someone else.  
A further reason for caution regarding human enhancement is that it may narrow a 
person's prospects, violating the principle of preserving an “open future.” Some en-
hancements might promote success early in life, but lead to serious disability later. A 
typical example would be the use of drugs that provide short-term gain—such as increas-
ing physical strength or stimulating creativity—but which may also come with long-term 
health risks. 
Among the biggest ethical issues surrounding human enhancements is the question 
of governance. Making numerous enhancements available will require having a range of 
decision makers charged with developing policies for their use and implies the need for 
social systems ensuring that everyone has affordable access to them. 
A further societal concern is that enhancements might undermine some essential 
quality of our human identity that we would rather preserve. Other moral concerns are 
often folded into the fear of biotechnological change, notably the view that initiating such 
changes is akin to "playing God." 
Finally, perhaps the most pressing issue is the degree to which the use of human en-
hancements requires a global response, rather than just domestic policy. While such work 
has led to research leadership in multiple countries, there is much more to do before we 
can achieve a clear sense of the global implications of human enhancement and formulate 
a reasonable strategy for managing it. 
Adapted from the article 
by Andy Miah 
 From MIT Technology Review: 

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