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Looking forward to your reply. 
Best regards, 
Lyla Brown 
R&D Executive at IPL Computers 
Texts for retelling and discussion 
1.  Read the text about innovations 
in business, make sure you understand 
everything and retell it: 
Everyone can innovate. Innovation 
means coming up with new ways of doing 
things. Bringing innovation into your busi-
ness can help you save time and money
and give you the competitive advantage to 
grow and adapt your business in the mar-
Innovation generally refers to chang-
ing processes or creating more effective 
processes, products and ideas. For busi-
nesses, this could mean implementing new 
ideas, creating dynamic products or im-
proving your existing services. Innovation 
can be a catalyst for the growth and success of your business, and help you to adapt and 
grow in the marketplace. 
However, things are not so simple. Resistance to new ideas is well known. In or-
ganizations, the best way of killing an idea may well be to take it to a meeting. The very 
things that make companies successful in one area may prevent them from developing 
success in new activities. Early work on personal computers at Xerox was dismissed by 
its senior managers because they considered that the company's business was copying, 
not computing.  

Company leaders talk about corporate venturing and intrapreneurship, where em-
ployees are encouraged to develop entrepreneurial activities within the organization. 
Companies may try to set up structures in such a way that they do not stifle new ideas. 
They may put groups of talented people together in skunk works to work on innovations - 
development of the PC at I BM is the most famous example. Skunk works are outside the 
usual company structures and are less likely to be hampered by bureaucracy, in-fighting 
and so on. 
When innovators go to large companies with new designs for their products, they 
face similar problems. The inventor of the small-wheeled Moulton bicycle could not per-
suade Raleigh to produce it, so he set up his own company. But a single innovative 
breakthrough is not enough. There has to be continuous improvement and market re-
sponse. The current winners in bicycle innovation are producers of mountain bikes, who 
have taken the original bicycle design and eliminated its irritations, revolutionizing an old 
concept by providing relative comfort, easy gear changes, a 'fun' ride and so on. 
In reality, it’s a long way from an idea to a product. The initial idea for a car will be 
turned into a series of prototypes and tested. In software development, the final 'proto-
type' is the beta-version, which is beta-tested. Pharmaceuticals go through a series of tri-
als. Even the most brilliant entrepreneurs will not have the resources to do it alone in in-
dustries like these, as the investment and experience required are enormous.  
Cars, software and pharmaceuticals are examples of industries dominated by giants. 
The 'rules of the game' are well established, and newcomers are rare, unless they can find 
a small niche unexploited by the giants. There may be more opportunity for innovation 
where the rules of the game are not yet established. This may involve selling and deliver-
ing existing products in new ways: think, for example, of selling books and airline tickets 
on the Internet. 
One thing is certain: business will continue to benefit from the creativity of indi-
viduals and organizations who can develop great ideas and bring them to market. That 
being said, successful innovation should be an in-built part of your business strategy
where you create a culture of innovation and lead the way in innovative thinking and 
creative problem solving. 

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