Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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4. Match the words with their Russian equivalents: 
1. passionate curiosity 
a. постоянно 
2. constantly 
b. прибыль, доход 
3. a business sense 
c. влиять 
4. a company's assets 
d. привлекательный 
5. a capability 
e. истинный интерес 
6. profit 
f. удовлетворять потребности 
7. to affect 
g. позиция, отношение 
8. major 
h. активы компании 
9. attractive 
i. деловое чутье 
10. to meet the needs 
j. возможность, способность 
11. an attitude 
k. основной, главный 
5. Translate into Russian: 
1. Einstein said that he had no special talents but only passionate curiosity. 
2. Marketers have to do the hard analysis of all the business data and market 
research to understand what is going to affect customers and their behaviour. 
3. A successful marketer should have a really strong business sense, an instinctive 
understanding of how the company makes money. 
4. The key to being successful lies in finding ways to be constantly improving. 
5. A company's assets are usually divided into current assets and fixed assets 
6. This version of the application offers us new capabilities. 
7. Company profits are down from last year's figures 
8. The new rates will attract all consumers including businesses. 
9. We will check all opportunities in order to find a solution that meets your needs. 
10. We supply all major electronics brands. 

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