Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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2.Translate into Russian: 
1. A good manager believes in importance of education at work and invests in regu-
lar training courses for employees. 
2. Scandinavian managers focus on staff and the quality of working life; also they 
often delegate authority.  
3. He is a real expert in brand management that is making suggestions and planning 
on how the brand is perceived in the market.    
4. - He is good with numbers!  
- Of course he is! He’s been managing the Accounting Department for 15 years. 
5.  The basic thing in team-building is to enjoy working with others.  
6.  In Japanese hierarchical company structure managers are always older than their 
7.  At the meeting a Japanese manager listens to all suggestions from others and 
then they come to an agreement. They call it “management by consensus”.  
8.  He reported to the CEO on last month’s sales figures. 

9.  We have to agree on the date of our negotiations with Nike. 
10.  Such personal qualities as flexibility, optimism and determination helped her to 
reach the position of Manager of the Department.  
11.  Setting realistic time frames and planning ahead are key factors in time man-
12.  He is good at managing people because he respects his employees and is always 
ready to respond to their concerns. 
13.  He is not good with ethics, as he judges people’s abilities by their nationality.   
14.  A manager should be self-motivated otherwise he will not be able to motivate 
15.  You have to communicate with your staff clearly, as clearly defined tasks are 
very important for people.    

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