Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған Қазіргі заманғы математика

Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика

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Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика: 
проблемалары және қолданыстары» III халықаралық Тайманов оқуларының 
материалдар жинағы, 25 қараша, 2022 жыл 
favorable conditions for more productive activities." The authors argue that the formation of goal 
setting requires special work, without which the ability to accept and set goals develops 
extremely slowly and has little to do with the age of students. 
From the above, the conclusion follows: for the formation of educational activities, it is 
important to teach not only to perform, but also to choose educational actions that are adequate 
for educational tasks. Monitoring and evaluation activities play a special role in learning 
activities. At the initial stages of the formation of the UD, these actions are actually performed 
by an adult. The formation of a student as a subject of educational activity is determined by the 
degree of mastery of self-control and self-esteem. According to some psychologists, the 
formation of a full-fledged educational activity should begin with the formation of students ' self- 
control in its various forms. The student's mastery of self-control as a component of educational 
activity is possible only when the goals of educational activity as a whole and the goals of 
individual educational actions are clear to him, i.e. when he understands and accepts the 
educational task. 
Self-control and self-assessment as a component of learning activities includes self- 
control and self-assessment of other activities that can be performed in a holistic act of learning 
activities. The main subject of monitoring and evaluation in the context of the implementation of 
educational activities is the quality of knowledge acquisition and methods of action, the 
assessment of the degree of achievement of the main educational goal, the assessment of the 
quality and nature of self-change. Therefore, self-control and self-esteem are closely related to 
understanding and accepting learning goals. The assessment action is also important for moving 
from one learning task to another. A qualitative analysis of the achievement of a particular 
educational goal always allows you to look ahead, to see what you should still master. It is self- 
esteem and self-control that truly turn a student into a subject of their learning activities, 
allowing them to determine their strengths and capabilities in academic work. 
The formation of educational activity is a transition from a fully controlled from the 
outside (by the teacher, other adults) purposeful activity of students to assimilate the content of 
teaching and methods of teaching (by self-change) to independent educational activity. The 
initial stage of training plays a crucial role in the formation and development of students ' 
learning activities, since it is at this stage that a certain "style" of learning is developed, 
qualitative neoplasms arise that can either correspond to the ideal model of "purposeful learning 
activities", and then the teaching proceeds rationally and effectively, or the methods and forms of 
activity that do not correspond to this model are fixed, which makes further training difficult. In 
the methodology of primary teaching mathematics, the problem of the methodological aspect of 
the formation of educational activity is considered in the dissertation research of N. A. 
Yankovskaya, but it does not address the issues of teaching methods for solving text problems. 
The didactic research of G. M. Sosnina is devoted to the problem of forming self-control in first- 
graders in the process of learning to solve simple problems . Considering the process of solving 
any text problem as a mental action, the author builds learning to solve simple problems as the 
formation of this mental action on the basis of the theory of step-by-step formation . As a 
controlling operation, G. M. Sosnina highlighted the rationale for choosing an arithmetic action. 
This justification should be carried out by students not only after the implementation of the 
decision, but also during it. Evaluating positively the very formulation of the problem and the 
development of teaching methods for solving simple problems, in which students are constantly 
required to justify the correctness of the choice of action, we will make one remark. In the 
approach proposed by the author, when teaching students to solve problems (more precisely, 
when solving simple problems), educational goals are not set, and therefore self-control in the 
course of such training is not included in the educational activities of first-graders. To build a 
teaching methodology for solving text problems that contributes to the formation of students ' 
learning activities, it is necessary to determine the criteria for the effectiveness of such a 

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