Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған Қазіргі заманғы математика

Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика

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Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика: 
проблемалары және қолданыстары» III халықаралық Тайманов оқуларының 
материалдар жинағы, 25 қараша, 2022 жыл 
methodology. Since the formation of educational activities in the developed methodology should 
occur when teaching students to solve text problems, it is obvious that the indicators of success 
of this methodology should be the following: 
the quality of students ' mastery of problem-solving skills; 
the level of formation of students ' learning activities. The first of these indicators can 
be determined as a result of the usual control work, the content of which is text tasks. 
To sum up, we can say the following. In psychology, the concept of educational activity 
has been developed, which can be used as a basis for methodological solutions to the problem of 
the formation of educational activity when teaching a particular subject and, in particular, when 
teaching the solution of text problems in mathematics lessons. The main provisions of this 
concept are as follows: Educational activity is an activity, the main (leading) and conscious goal 
of which is the educational goal (S. L. Rubinstein) — to master knowledge (in a broad sense), 
skills, ways of obtaining knowledge, ways of developing skills. In the structure of educational 
activity, the following components are identified: the educational task, understood as an 
educational goal under given conditions (the latter are determined by a specific practical task, in 
particular a text task, and the student's condition); educational actions that are adequate to the 
educational task; control and evaluation actions that ensure the transition from one educational 
task to another and contribute to the formation of the student as a subject of educational activity. 
The most urgent problem is the formation of educational activities of children of primary school 
age, since the level of formation of educational activities of primary school students largely 
depends on the success of their education in middle and high school. Text problems occupy a 
large place in teaching mathematics to younger students. The problem of developing a 
methodology for teaching text-based problem solving, which ensures the purposeful formation of 
educational activities of primary school students, has not been solved. The natural way to solve it 
is to organize such training in problem solving, in which the students 'activities would represent 
complete acts of educational activity, first with a large share of help and under the direct 
guidance of the teacher, and then with an increasing share of students' independence. To create 
an appropriate methodology, it is of fundamental importance to determine the nature of the 
relationship between the concepts of "text task" and"educational task". This relationship is 
understood as follows: a text task can be an element of an educational task, which, in addition to 
the text task, includes an educational goal, for the sake of which the student must perform certain 
educational actions in the conditions specified by the text task and the student's state. Learning 
activities are determined by the learning task, the level of previously acquired knowledge, skills, 
and orientation of the individual. The control actions are aimed not only and not so much at 
establishing the correctness of the obtained practical result (for example, the answer to the 
question of the task), but rather at establishing the correctness of the application of some general 
method of achieving the educational goal, and determining the degree of achievement of the 
educational goal. Control actions are inextricably linked to evaluation actions. The latter are a 
necessary condition for the transition from one educational task to another, a condition for 
students to set new educational goals and evaluate their abilities to achieve them. 

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