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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Conclusion. Using genuine foreign films in foreign language classes assists students in 
developing essential language skills such as listening comprehension, which is learned by regular 
and extended listening, and oral expression, which is developed by working through speech models 
and incorporating them in daily conversation. Students' language is expanded by realistic video, and 
they are able to openly use the right words in the effective manner. Via repetitive grammar lessons 
whilst watching a movie, students will add grammatical constructs implicitly while speaking. In 
English classes, viewing an authentic feature film has a significant cultural and cross-cultural 
impact on students' overall stance as well as their unique awareness of the country in which the 
language is learned. We have also shown that the potential of an authentic feature film as a means 
of studying a foreign language, including English, is extremely strong for contemporary 
pedagogical science through the course of this study. 
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МРНТИ 14.15.07; 14.25.09 

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