Вопросы экономики и управления международный научный журнал 5 (07) / 2016

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ODA policy
. Official development assistance (ODA) 
maintains 500 million USD/year mainly through multilat-
eral mechanism for the purpose of hunger elimination, epi-
demic disease prevention etc.
According to «Theoretical point on Russia»s participa-
tion in international development support» adopted in No-
vember 2007, Russia set a target to spend 0.7 % GDP on 
development assistance, in which 70 % of assistance for bi-
lateral purpose and 30 % of assistance for multilateral pur-
pose. The region order with Russia»s assistance priority is 
as follows: SNG, Asia Pacific, Africa, Mideast and North 
Africa, Latin America. The field order with Russia»s assis-
tance priority is as follows: energy (especially electrical en-
ergy), medicine, education etc. However, up to now, Russia 
hasn»t had legal regulations to perform this theoretical 
point. Russia is considering establishing the Development 
Assistance Agency similar to other countries in the world.
2. Investment situation of Russia in Vietnam
According to the statistics of the Foreign Investment 
Agency until end of September 2015, the Russia Federa-
tion ranks seventh among 105 countries and territories in-
vesting in Vietnam with 114 valid investment projects and 
total registered investment capital of 1.961 billion USD.
Classification according to sectors. Investors of 
Russia Federation mostly invest in the field of processing
manufacturing with 37 projects and total investment cap-
ital of 1.13 billion USD (accounting for 58 % of total in-
vestment capital). The second position is mine ores with 07 
investment projects and total investment capital of 581.2 
million US (accounting for 30 % of total investment cap-
ital). The third position is real estate business with 03 proj-
ects and total investment capital of 72.73 million USD. 
The remaining invested fields are agriculture, forestry and 
fishery; wholesale, retail, repair etc.

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