Вопросы к вступительным испытаниям по Обществознанию 2009 г

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Правила вступительного испытания по иностранному языку,
проводимого университетом самостоятельно

Вступительное испытание по иностранному языку в РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева проводится в письменной форме. Продолжительность экзамена 180 минут. Результаты оцениваются по стобалльной шкале. Содержание экзаменационных билетов соответствует Программе вступительных испытаний по иностранному языку.

Ниже приводится один из вариантов экзаменационной работы 2013 года

экзаменационная работа по иностранноу языку
(английский язык)
Choose the correct answers
A1. I don’t usually like staying at … hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at… nice hotel by… sea.

  1. -, a, the

  1. -, the, -

  1. the, the, -

  1. the, a, the

A2. …tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice…week if I can, but I am not … very good player.

  1. a, the, -

  1. -, a, a

  1. the, a, a

  1. -, a, the

A3. … Prime Minister left this morning for … tour of … Far East.

  1. -, the, -

  1. the, a, the

  1. -, a, -

  1. a, a, the

A4. … King Juan Carlos of …Spain arrived in London for … three-day visit to … United Kingdom.

  1. the, -, the, the

  1. -, -,a, -

  1. -, -, a, the

  1. The, -, the, -

A5. Tomorrow he will have … lunch with … Governor of … Bank of England and in … evening he will have talks with … businessmen.

  1. A,-, -, the, -

  1. -, the, -, an, the

  1. The, the, -, the, the

  1. -, the, the, the, -

A6. I’ve got an interview next week, it’s … 9.30 … Tuesday morning.

  1. in, in

  1. at, in

  1. on, at

  1. at, on

A7. My neighbours are usually friendly … new people … our street.

  1. about, at

  1. for, at

  1. to, on

  1. to, in

A8. “How did you get here? … the bus?” “No, …car.”

  1. by, by

  1. in, in

  1. on, in

  1. on, by

A9. We went … a party … Linda’s house … Saturday.

  1. for, to, on

  1. in, in, at

  1. at, to, on

  1. to, at, on

Read the text. Choose the correct answers.
Dear Lisa,
Thanks for your letter. I (A10) ___________ for school when I saw the postman and he (A11)_______.
it to me. It was really funny! I (A12) ________ it during maths and it (A13) __________ me laugh. I almost (A14) _________ in trouble!
Anyway, I’m excited because I (A15) __________ my first judo lesson yesterday! I (A16) ____________
late for the lesson because when I (A17) ___________ there, I suddenly realized I (A18)_____________ my judo suit at home! So I (A19) _____________ all the way home and when I (A20) _____________ back, the lesson (A21) __________ .
The instructor was really nice, though, and I (A22) ______________ how to do some basic throws. Can’t wait till next time!
What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (A23) _____________ to you, you (A24) _______ about giving it up. What (A25) ____________ ?
I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.
Speak to you soon.

A10 1 just left

2 had just left

3 was just living

4 have just left

A11 1 had given

2 gives

3 gave

4 was given

A12 1 read

2 had read

3 have read

4 was reading

A13 1 was making

2 had made

3 made

4 has made

A14 1 got

2 was getting

3 have got

4 had got

A15 1 was having

2 had

3 have had

4 had had

A16 1 was

2 had been

3 have been

4 was being

A17 1 get

2 got

3 have got

4 had got

A18 1 was leaving

2 left

3 had left

4 have left

A19 1 went

2 was going

3 have gone

4 had gone

A20 1 got

2 had got

3 have got

4 was getting

A21 1 already began

2 was already beginning

3 had already begun

4 have already begun

A22 1 learnt

2. had learnt

3 have learnt

4 was learning

A23 1 was speaking

2. spoke

3 had spoken

4 have spoken

A24 1 talked

2 had talked

3 was talking

4 have talked

A25 1 did you decided

2 had you decided

3 have you decided

4 did you decide

Choose the correct answers.
A26. “I always go on holiday to Italy. If the weather in Scotland … better, I … on holiday there.”|

  1. is, will go

  1. were, would go

  1. had been, would go

  1. was, could go

A27. The mayor was attacked … public money.

  1. for wasting

  2. to waste

  3. he wasted

  4. of wasting

A28. The government is trying to convince people … the need for higher taxes.

  1. with

  1. of

  1. that

  1. for

A29. Local residents object … the new power station in their area.

  1. to have

  1. having

  1. of having

  1. to having

A30. Do you think they should ban people … smoking in public places?

  1. from

  1. at

  1. in

  1. of

Choose the number where mistake is made.



31. It’s hard for us
to imagine what is included in the European diet before America was discovered by
Columbus in 1492.


32. When the potato
was first introducing to Europe, it was surprisingly unpopular, it was considered
o be poisonous and it took a long time to become common.
A33. Choose the variant which describes all four words.
gone, been, seen, done
1)past simple 2) past participle 3) passive voice
A34. Choose the line in which one word differs from the others.

  1. want, know, understand, think

  2. novelist, correspondent, journalist, playwright

  3. newspaper, play, novel, poem

Read the text. Choose the correct answers.
Are you (A35) __________ of travelling? At first sight, having a job which (A36) ___________ going on business (A37) _____________ looks glamorous. The reality, however, often (A38) _______________ from the image. Many business travellers soon (A39) _____________ off living out of a suitcase. As a business traveller you often (A40) __________ at a place, (A41) _______________ into the hotel, have your meetings and then (A42) ______________ immediately back to the airport. Many business travellers rarely (A43) _____________ time to see the (A44) ___________ or experience the local culture.

A35 1) keen

  1. interested

  1. fond

  1. enthusiastic

A36 1) contains

  1. involves

  1. occupies

  1. needs

A37 1) trips

  1. journeys

  1. travels

  1. voyages

A38 1) breaks

  1. alters

  1. changes

  1. differs

A39 1) come

  1. go

  1. are

  1. take

A40 1) arrive

  1. reach

  1. get

  1. come

A41 1) check

  1. examine

  1. look

  1. inspect

A42 1) run over

  1. pull out

  1. set off

  1. join in

A43 1) discover

  1. find

  1. locate

  1. place

A44 1) sights

  1. pictures

  1. displays

  1. scenes

Read the text. Do the assignments after the text.
1 The TV company, Channel 4, transported a typical 21st century family back in time to the 1970s. The Gregory family live in a large house in Milton Keynes. Fifteen years ago the father, Jon, set up his own business and made a fortune. The children, Hannah, 12, and Josh, 10, have huge bedrooms full of expensive hi-tech toys and clothes. They don’t have to help with the running of the house.
2 This is all very different from Jon’s childhood in the 70s. He grew up in a small council house in Leeds, one of five children brought up by their father after his mother died. Discipline, order and thrift ruled his life. “We ate what we were given. We walked to school and we had to share all the household chores. We had to do what we were told. Dad was very strict.”
3 The TV company transformed the Gregorys’ house and their lives. For two weeks the family had to go back to the 70s and live Jon’s childhood. The house was stripped of all modern gadgets and equipment. Hannah and Josh had to wash and iron their own clothes, do all the washing-up, and help to dig the vegetable garden. The family car was exchanged for a battered, old VW van, and they had to live on just £39 a week.
4 At first there were tears and furious rows as the children tried to adjust. Hannah couldn’t believe that she wasn’t allowed to buy hair mousse and was horrified to find her wardrobe emptied, leaving her with just jeans, two tops and a “Sunday Best”. Josh had to give up watching his wide-screen television and take up the piano. They didn’t have to walk to school but were filled with embarrassment when their dad drove them to the school in their ‘new’ van.
5 However, gradually Hannah and Josh learnt to appreciate small treats. They enjoyed eating the vegetables they’d dug up from the garden. They made some extra money by selling cookies they’d baked to their neighbours. They started to save rather than spend and understand the value of a £90 pair of trainers.
6 It’s difficult to get things right as a parent. Jon says: “We shouldn’t give in to our kids’ demands. There’s no feeling like getting something you’ve worked really hard for.” Hannah now has £30 in the bank, all earned by doing extra jobs round the house. She has learnt some valuable lessons about life and she doesn’t buy hair mousse any more!

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